Need advice, what would you do?


Well-Known Member
I had new neighbours move in and they keep walking on our side of the property. I’ve reminded them of the property line, but it’s not sinking in. It’s a walkway beside the house, but on the side where we walk in. See everyone on the street uses one side to enter their backyard but they use our walkway often to get into their backyard through a hole they made in the fence. I don’t want to be a a-hole and put a fence up, but I think it might be my only choice. The fence will block that hole in the fence to get into their backyard and they probably won’t be happy. What would you do in this situation?
I’d buy a cheap sign “No Trespassing” and utilize local law enforcement if need be.
An NRA flag on the porch wouldn’t hurt either. Lol I’d also use Christmas lights to be sure they can see it.
If you like the idea of getting a dog, I’d ask you to consider adoption.
I mean, what's the context? --are they just cutting across a side yard to get to their house quicker, or are they like blatantly damaging your grass or shrubbery? Just curious. . .. i get that one's property is their own but are they really hurting anything?
Fence, since they're new and if they say anything, tell them that you've been planning this for a while, going to get a couple of big dogs (rescue pit bulls) and the fence is to keep them contained. So what if it takes another 5 years before you get any dogs?
I mean, what's the context? --are they just cutting across a side yard to get to their house quicker, or are they like blatantly damaging your grass or shrubbery? Just curious. . .. i get that one's property is their own but are they really hurting anything?

Not damaging, but they have started to store junk there which is on the boarder line of the property, so they need to walk around the junk now. It’s also a privacy thing where everyone enters their backyard through the left side of the house. I came home last night and they had family over and they we’re just standing there. Like I needed to say pardon me to get into my own backyard.
Fence, since they're new and if they say anything, tell them that you've been planning this for a while, going to get a couple of big dogs (rescue pit bulls) and the fence is to keep them contained. So what if it takes another 5 years before you get any dogs?

I actually have a dog but she loves everyone and doesn’t bark at them. The fence will also give us more room, as I wanted to put a garden bed there for a long time.
what happened in your situation?
My neighbor was building a patio and parked a pile of dirt on a dropoff leading into my yard. I voiced my concern about erosion and silt runoff, he was dismissive and the next day we got 3 inches of rain which buried my fence in silt. I had to get the city involved before he understood the problem he created amd that it was his responsibility to mitigate it. Probably 2 yards of dirt, half of it ended up in my garden. He still doesn't understand he's going to rot his garage pronto. Mud filled up the space underneath too. He had to hire some kids with shovels for a day.20230726_094749.jpg
My neighbor was building a patio and parked a pile of dirt on a dropoff leading into my yard. I voiced my concern about erosion and silt runoff, he was dismissive and the next day we got 3 inches of rain which buried my fence in silt. I had to get the city involved before he understood the problem he created amd that it was his responsibility to mitigate it. Probably 2 yards of dirt, half of it ended up in my garden. He still doesn't understand he's going to rot his garage pronto. Mud filled up the space underneath too. He had to hire some kids with shovels for a day.View attachment 5330287

wow, yeah I’m definitely getting a fence before something like this happens.
As generally angry as I am, I try to be someone who doesn't make mountains out of molehills. Honest mistakes happen; but when it's a constant thing, that starts to look a lot like they seem to feel some sense of entitlement to YOUR property. At that point, I'd probably be hilariously blunt and unambiguous about exactly what I thought of them and the entire situation. And if my words would end up triggering someone to the point where they decide they're gonna get physical, even better. Maybe I am just a massive prick in my old age.