Need advice with ventilation for a 400W HPS set up


Active Member
I am currently growing in a room in my basement.

The dimmensions are of the room are:
6 feet long
4 and a half feet wide
6 feet 8 inches tall

I am using CFL's and a fluro as lighting, but I am considering using a HPS setup soon.

I currently have 10 plants growing(going into their second week of vegging, they are not feminized), and will be planting some new autoflowering fem. seeds when they arrive. I would like to use the HPS setup for the arriving seeds, and keep the CFL's for the plants I already have growing.

I live in a ranch-style house with a sub-finished basement, in a average suburb-type neighborhood. Judgeing by the amount of plants I will be growing, do you guys think smell will be a issue with neighbors? If so, could someone explain to me how to prevent the smell using carbon filters? I dont quite understand that.

The room does not have a door(I use a heavy tarp nailed to the doorframe as a cover), and has a large hole cut out of the wall which leads under my stairs, to the rest of the basement. The hole is hidden from view, and currently blocked off.

If I use a 400W HPS set-up, would I be able to place a box fan infront of the hole in the wall to draw fresh air in as a intake? Or would this run into problems because of smell?
For an exhaust, would It be possible for me to run a vent into the rest of my basement after the air had been filterd? I will have a dehumidifier running in the rest of my basement, so mold and such shouldnt be an issue.
Also, is it a must that I have the exhaust vents hooked up directly to the ballast?

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Happy Growing!



Well-Known Member
All plants will smell at flowering for sure and harvesting too.:weed:Some worst than others. It really depends how stealth you need to be. If your basement temp is cool all the time and you dont have to move heat from a lamp, a couple of fans will move air if theres a big enough area to get some freash air.400's are nice lights and dont put off alot of heat. A filter and fan with a vented hood is a necessity when you know you will have heat problems. They help alot and take care of smell.:leaf: A fan and carbon filter work best when the air is pulled through the filter instead of pushed through. I go, filter-fan-light-out/exhaust. There are other ways of course.:bigjoint:

Have fun ! Sounds like you might want to look into a bigger light.:weed: Oh and check ebay and craigst list.