Need Advice


New Member
I'm not sure if I'm posting in the right place but oh well... I'm thinking of starting up a grow tent in the near future and I need a ton of advice! At the moment I'm mainly stuck with the size that I should use, been thinking about growing 4/5 plants that yield a lot... For this I know that i need enough space to get the maximum out of each plant... So suggestions?? Also light suggestions would be appreciated! P.s. If you know the measurements in metres that would be useful. Peace and love from the United Kingdom :peace:
I'd say at least 1.5 metre square and at least the same height.... Consider how much room your lights, reflectors and hanging kits will take up and then judge how big you want your plants... This will depend on the plants of course. Also, you'd need a pretty decent fan or ducting in there to keep good air circulation.
The best way to go is usually - Go Big. Get the biggest one you can afford and use in your space. Keep in mind the bigger you go the higher your costs will be all across the board. The reason I say this is due to what many growers experience - not going big enough to start and remorse sets in thinking it should have been bigger to start.
4x4x7 tent and hps/hid get critical mass or any hybrid of that or conquistador or even power plant those are huge yielding plants. Get an inline fan with or without carbon filter that's if you need to hide smell or not. Some oscillating table fan(s) a thermometer and nutes
Well if you plan to go hps/hid you are going to need better ventilation and if you go led its still nice to keep the smells down. Carbon scrubber / fan combo can be found on amazon for about $130 and work wonders for keeping your tent cool and air moving. I would spend a couple more bucks and get a well known tent company like Apollo or Lighthouse Hydro (my favorite brand). You can get a humidifier/thermometer for like $10 (I got a really nice one for $50) a digital light timer for like $15. If you plan to go led they are about 5x more expensive than anything else but they are cheaper on the power bill, Have a higher spectrum of colored lights etc. The main reason to get a grow tent I think is to keep smells down and light as intense as possible in a given area. I think the main thing is what kind of budget are you working with and what kind of end product do you want. I plan to have 10 plants on my next grow in my 4/4/7 tent but I have a very powerful light that I'm confident can reach down to those low branches with a little LST. If you got money to spend and you want the best I would suggest the diamond series from advanced LED but let me warn you they have some dick customer service. Area51 is another brand as well as Kind for LEDs that some of my friends have had luck with. I wish I could give you advice on other light types but I'm on my first grow and I plan to grow with LED for a good long time. Any light source will work you just need to build your setup accordingly.