need advise on light...


Active Member
Hello everybody.. im setting up a little growroom
i live in a very hot region and im doubting between
a 250hps and a 300w clf.. im going with easyryder
on a nft system.. normaly i'd had gone for a 400w hps but
temprature wise i jus cant..

ive never used a 250hps so im wondering how hot it gets, of course
ill use a cooltube with correct ventilation, annyhow i got to buy em after tomorow max
so anny input will be welcome...



This all depends on where you have your set up. If you're in a super tiny space with no ventilation, then expect the temperatures to rise. If you're seriously limited I suggest you purchase some tiny fans. There are some GREAT tiny fans at Home Depot for $12.00 (Honeywell brand name).

Unfortunately you get what you pay for. 250 watt isn't really a lot of light at all for your ladies. Don't expect much out of your plants.The minimum I would get, personally, would be 400 watt. The 250 watt won't be hot at all. You could almost let your hand sit right below the light and it won't bother you.

Hoped I helped!


Active Member
thanx for your imput...
putting your hand under it u mean with or without cooltube ?
i dont realy wanna go with the 250hps or 300cfl but im afraid the 400 will just be to hot
last year in the summer i had a 200wat cfl and the temprature drove up to 29/30 degrees celcius..
i donno still thinking


Well-Known Member
u ever look into one of these? top light...bought this bad boy for 60 like a charm. maybe a little bulkier then most, but who cares?