Need an eyeball please


Noticed yellowing on lower leaves anf upon a bit of investigation am unsure if its a nitrogen deficiency or somethin root/fungal. Have maintained a 31%-41% humidity throughout grow. Just gave them a lift in pot to give roots room to grow til i can get a bigger pot as they were totally root bound. Maybe this is just a common thing when replanting? Temps have been 71 low at night 81 high mid day. Any ideas, pointers or reassurance would be awesome.
20161003_221110.jpg 20161003_221129.jpg 20161003_221145.jpg Thank you


Fox farm nutrient trio ph is always at 6 give or take .1... The dirt i mixed myself. Nice light fluffy mix. Same mix it grew seed til now


Active Member
No I wouldn't remove it let the plant decide what will happen with it. I would give it a shot of nutes and see how it responds


Well-Known Member
Any ideas? Should the damaged leaves be removed?
Don't pull the leaves off. The plants using them for something whether it be nitrogen, ph issue or a watering problem. Removing them will only force the plant to move on to the next set of healthy leaves.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Those are early stem leaves.
They are small and the new growth has taken over (looks GREAT too), so don't fret that! It's "normal" for those to die away and be absorbed by the plant. Remove when all yellow.