need bad ass grow room idea


Well-Known Member
alright guys need help on this one

i need a grow room... well 3 or 4 actually
this is my idea/set up

i want too keep this under $750 which i know can be done if you look around enough
need 3 areas for mother plants one area for veg and 2 flowering areas heres a picture of my half though design

i would like to utilize as much florescent tube lighting as i can throughout this due to there en expense and availability help me out what should i get/use to keep good lighting and constant air flow inlet for air will be in the back of room and out let will be on the side

Uploaded with

and as a side note this will be a full soil set up no hydoponics for me maybe later on but my ladies love dirt

love riu and my fellow enthusiast


Well-Known Member
For a setup that size you will be pushing shit uphill trying to veg with only t5's, for that area you need metal halide, id use 1000w mh. for your flowering room, 2 x 600w hps..........


Well-Known Member
i would only be veggin from clones for one week untill roots are established then straight to flower might do scrog in the area or a bad ass 4 plant per square foot sog just wanna keep it as cost effective as posable


Well-Known Member
run it all in 2 rooms. do 1000w mh in the veg/mother room, and a 1000w hps in the flowering room. no point in splitting it all up, it'd only cost you more in equipment, and it'd be more of a headache in terms of heat and air movement.


Well-Known Member
the reason for the split in the two flower rooms was to keep from buring taller plants and have 15-20 in one flower room so when harvest time i have 15-20 more going in to second stage and some coming into flowering but vegging a week before so they are somewhat developed

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I use 8fx8f to grow and 8fx8f to mother and clone. I keep seven moms, they take up about 6x8 square feet. I can sqeeze a small work table in there and a chair. I send out a lot of snips. I use 360 watts of cool white flouresent lighting and 400 watt mercury vapor. They are like a mh but they are frosted. They work in mh ballasts. I shirt off 6 feet by 6 feet with reflective plastic in my 12/12 room. I use a 1000 watt hps with 360 watts of flouresent. I use a 3 foot by 3 foot pot and in it I place 5 rows of 5 in clones. F&D My moms get skirted with reflective plastic as well.

d r0cK

Well-Known Member
what do you think about this... this was built for a patient friend of mine. made to run cfl's. veg, clone and flower area. about $420 for this setup with a reverse osmosis system. needs about another $40-80 invested to it for random supplies, timers, thermo, ph meter etc...



Well-Known Member
you could always elevate the shorter flowering plants individually, or build a stand. if you can't bring the light closer to them, bring them closer to the light.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I use a cast aluminum bonnet for a crane for my 1000w hps. I feel pretty safe with that. I have used those folded bonnets from the hydro store but I feel safer with this csa approved bonnet,


Well-Known Member
so say i swapped my two flower rooms and made one that was 6 foot deep and 5 feet wide with 1 plant per sqfoot in 6 to 8 in pots so that they could be rotated in the beginning keeping the larger plants on one side and the smaller plants on the other with 2 500w mh on the outside and then one 250w mh in the center to keep from burning my plants that are in the somewhat in between stage and this was i can lower the light on both sides as needed and the center one an be adjusted as needed as well for the flowering clones using a 2 foot by 4 foot 8 bulb with a mix of warm and cool white bulbs so they feel that it is the end of summer this should be more then enough for only 30 young clones at 12w a bulb and for my mothers i was thinking i could put them under 2 100w cfl lights and a few 9 watters surrounding them

thanks for all of your help so far guys


Well-Known Member
a 1000w hps can light a 6x6 room, although that is about the max coverage area for it. you'll spend less on a 1000w with a light mover (that you might not need) than you will with 3 lights.


Well-Known Member
im just looking for ample light coverage dont want any strain or stress on the little ones or have them fight for light i wanna keep distrabution as even as i can over the entire board money for electricity isnt an issue i will be using a genny to run the set up are there any ways of doing a hydro or aeroponic system with this setup? like i said i want to achive 2lb every month so that is a large factor i have to account for


Well-Known Member
2lbs a month is a lot from that space. i have 8 flowering plants in a 42"x42" closet with a 1000w. 4 are into full flower(ready to harvest), and 4 more are 4 weeks away from being done. there is a tiny bit over overshadowing, but no more than would be if they were outdoors. nice full buds from top to the bottom of the plant. the key to your reaching your goal is light intensity and penetration. smaller wattage lights will fill the area more completely, but those popcorn buds won't develop like they would under 1000w. those popcorn buds will be the reason you'd have a decent chance at reaching your goal. just some food for thought. also, if this is your 1st -5th grow, your 2 lb goal won't happen. i know experienced growers who would have trouble with your goals.


Well-Known Member
well say i did a longer veg cycle for the clones would that be more realistic then? and thank you for my lighting troubles


Well-Known Member
i stagger my harvests so i'll have 4 plants coming out of the closet about once a month depending on the high i want. the 4 i have coming out right now, i let veg for about 2 weeks (4 weeks after cutting the clone). the 4 younger flowering ones, i let veg for a full 2 months. the reason i did this was A). to get the perpetual thing going, B). have something to smoke while the others were flowering, C). to increase the yield of the 2nd batch by LSTing, and D). to maximize my space as much as possible without any real down time. granted i could easily pull 1/2lb every 2 months, but this way i can get at least 4oz. the 1st month, and 8oz., or more, the next (thanks to the LST). then the cycle repeats...

the longer the veg. time, the larger the yields.


Well-Known Member
do you know anything of monster cropping because this will eliminate the need for any mother plants all together then just have a 4 foot by 6 foot room along with a separate 4 foot by 3 foot room that is just for cloning the new monsters


Well-Known Member
i personally haven't cloned anything in flower yet, but i like the results i've seen from others. all the clones i've taken were in veg. and most have decent branching as it were, but it never hurts to try new methods especially if the results are equal to or better than LST, by just taking a cut later.