Need better light system. Any advice?

Have 4X4 grow tent. Using hydroponics. Pretty new to growing need as much advice as i can get. Thanks
Have aquarium halide and just some regular bulbs. Have so many lights. Just need a new light system. There are so many light systems. Saw a "hydro farm Radiant 6" Air Cooled Reflector Unit" would this be any good? And what would be some good bulbs??

Very new to growing. All advice will be good.



Well-Known Member
400w hps or 600w hps. One of those and you're a serious grower, with serious bud, getting seriously stoned.
Ok great. How many adult plants do you think I can put in 4X4? Max?
Right now I have 8 hydro babies. And 3 dirt. White widow and northern lights.


Well-Known Member
less is more.... i'm gonna do 6 in a 4x4x7 with 600w aircooled hood... but ATM (due to house move) i have three dwarfs under 125w stealth going on... and i think that at least 1 too many (germed 3, so i knew i'd get 2...and guess what 100% germ rate... :-? oh well!)

GrEeNhOuSe SeEdS™ ROCK!!... and you can take that to the bank!


Well-Known Member
Ha ha! Good question. I have a 4x4, at the moment it has one Big bud x white widow in it, but she's a monster! It depends on the shape of your strain (bushey? tall n thin? etc)
Might be a tight squeeze with your strains,some LST may help... but don't listen to me! I just ordered a Tangerine Dream that may burst out my tent, so what do I know? :lol:
I'd agree with a 600w instead of 400w. It's just what I did. Started with CFL,then to 400w hps,then to 600w hps


New Member
im doing 30+ in my 1.2 tent but having much less bigger plants would be best im only doing it to see how things go
Haha NICE!! You got any pics of the monster? Would really like to see it.
I guess I will just have to see when they get older. Ha
Ok. Everything I have been reading points to the 600w.
If I get the Radiant 6" Air Cooled Reflector Unit what would be some good 600w bulbs for it? Any good sites to look at?


Well-Known Member
I just ordered my 400W HPS from HTGSupply on Friday, it gets here today (Tuesday).

I thought about the 600 but it seemed like a lot to start with, and I'm going to have exhaust issues anyway so who needs the extra heat, right?


Well-Known Member
Haha NICE!! You got any pics of the monster? Would really like to see it.
I guess I will just have to see when they get older. Ha
Ok. Everything I have been reading points to the 600w.
If I get the Radiant 6" Air Cooled Reflector Unit what would be some good 600w bulbs for it? Any good sites to look at?
Here's the monster

She's under 600w cool tube. And would make a frigid nun my humble opinion. :lol:


Active Member
Hortilux Eye 600 watt. I use their 1000s and love them. THe 600 would be worth it. Gotta have about 400 cfm's going over that bulb though. Dont skimp on venting. Good luck and good growing


Well-Known Member
I just ordered my 400W HPS from HTGSupply on Friday, it gets here today (Tuesday).

I thought about the 600 but it seemed like a lot to start with, and I'm going to have exhaust issues anyway so who needs the extra heat, right?
Well, the same fan is running whether it's 400 or 600w, hadn't noticed any heat issues, although it must be slightly warmer. But the fan deals with the heat of 'em both,
Depends on each grow I guess...


Well-Known Member
i thought for mine 600w all the way.... i wouldn't gain much from having the 1000w i'm not interested in a wider i have a 4x4 i got the hacienda? digital ballast, aircooled hood and a 2nd 5"fan and filter. that should cope with any heat worries i might have.