need cloning advice.

I ask on the newbie thread but figured I may need to ask here instead, ...I have tried to clone my plants with no luck at trying a new way today...this morning I took 4 more cuttings from one of the big set up this time is a 5 gallon bucket with two holes drilled at the 5 inch mark,one has a hose in that pumps distilled water into the bucket from another bucket and the other hole drains back into the bucket im pumping water from.(so i keep 5 inches of fresh water in at all times)... i trimmed the cuttings and dipped them in rooting harmone and placed them through little holes in a styrofoam plate that floats in the freash water.I have the top of the bucket covered with clear wrap and its under a 26w cfl... will this work


Active Member
probably, i just cut off small little 2-4 inch branches at a 45, scrape one side of the branch and dip in cheap walmart rooting powder and place in soil filled solo cups. I mist a couple times a day for a week or so and they do just fine. All the clones rooted fine for me...


Well-Known Member
idk man you might want to try something that will get more oxygen to the root site of your cutting... i personally use rockwool 1-1/2" cubes and do pretty much the same as chevyfan there but in rockwool instead of soil and then i transplant into coco. However when i cut i make 2 cuts.. i make my first cut long off the plant (6"-10") and then the second cut (3"-4") i do the 45 degree swipe under ph'd water so that if that plant takes anything up it is water and not air. but then i dip with dutch master replicator gel and stick into the rockwool cubes, then theygo into the humidome for 7-14 days and i am overall about 98% survival on my clones. goood luck man. there are so many ways to clone and different techniques in cloning.. make a list and mess around next time you take cuttings. take as many as you can and try some different ways. once you find a way you are comfortable with and have good luck with you will be set to clone for many years...


Well-Known Member
the best way to clone is a shot glass fresh water and some clean rocks, change the eater daily, you dont need root hormone,


Well-Known Member
rockwool for me any time. but if you want to keep your current setup you can add airpump and airstone like the ones from a fish tank