Need expert advice on 1st grow


New Member
Please give me any advice or knowledge you may have this is my first grow ever I am using CFLs. I first started with 2 bulbs soft white 3500k for the seedling phase then switched to 4 bulbs 3 2700k and 1 6500k (8800 lumens) for the first week and a half of veg now I just currently switched to 3 6500k and 1 2700k and I am 22 days from potting so 2-2 1/2 weeks into vegetation. I had the lights inches apart but I want my bushy indica to stretch so I there about 10 inches away maybe a foot I have 2 pc fans larger 1 for intake and smaller for outtake. I just ordered a small 2 speed clip fan should be here soon but could be a missing factor and why I am noticing some issues. OK so I dropped her as a young baby and she fell out of her soil u had to re-pot her and the first two sets of leaves that showed were really slouchy I think she is making a miraculous recovery. Although i do have two unknown tears in 2 of the leafs and also some yellowing tips in a few. I have straws in soil with holes for help the roots breathe and get water down there without having to flush it. I used potting mix with nutes already inside so I do not feed and I water when soil is dry and mist leaves during dark perioid. Also the first 2 round leaves shriveled up and discolored so I cut them off when the plant had more than 8 sets. Here's some pics



New Member
Hey guys sorry for making it a hassle to see pics I fixed it if you take a look at original post. North of England is that bad to have a big baby like that?