Need help asap male or herme or female

These pods developed over the last day. They have white hair growing out of them. First time ever seeing these what should I do. Pull and kill both plants or take pods off. They are 3 weeks into flower. 1000w how 2 mars 300led 6in fans for both intake with filter probley not the best but keeps out alot of dust and 6 in outtake with filter .and a o2 bag just put in last. week.



Well-Known Member
Deffo hemies. If you have plenty of other plants then just bin them or risk a fully seeded crop.
Well lost all of them. All Hermes going to sanitize and restart. I did find out what happend. I left a vent open for a day. Had a power strip keep tripping so I changed it and left that vent open. I learned alot 3moth down the drain. Going go start 4 indoor and 4 outdoor. This weekend wish me luck