Need Help CFL Veg/Hps Flowering Help


Active Member
I'm using 46w daylight CFL's for vegitative growth. How tall should i let them get before putting them into flowering which will be done with a 150w HPS? I have 3 plants 2 Nirvana PPP and 1 Duthch Passion Trainwreck. Any other advice would be great.

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
personally I would be vegging them with the hps, they will grow faster and wont shock when changed to hps to flower. or use both. you should let them grow as tall as you want, or for how much room you have, keep in mind they will double in size in the first two weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
I would use the hps as well. Kush made a good point with the shock. I veg under fluro's and flower under hps, two different rooms. Depending on the strain they could even 3 times the size. Keep in mind the strain, more indica, more sativa etc. And your room height. Good luck bro Skunky :)


Well-Known Member
I have to agree as well mate, I generally use the CFLs (4 42w though) for seedlings and very young starts and switch to HPS. Your stem structure will be much more stable and will be able to support more weight, which will come with the PPP. The Haze I'm growing now flowered at about 11" and in it's last feet of flowering now it stands at 39" before training, so a bushier strain like PPP might get decent sized to say the least. Account for the plant tripling in size at minimum and you should be on your way. And get that HPS in there before you switch! Happy Growing

KC :leaf:

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I veg with 6500k cfls and flower with a 600wHPS and have not noticed any shock when moving from veg to flower. I used to use a MH and switched to cfls to save energy and did not see any shock there either. I personally want the stretch because the plants get taller and produce more weight. Check out the cfl club post and that should help you out!


Active Member
thanks for all the info about the lights. Right now my plants are 7 days old and stand at about 3 inches. Is this a good time to add the 150w hps. Can one 150w hps support 3 plants that are 2-3 feet tall? does it hurt to have two different light specturems in the room such as the cfl's and hps at the same time? everyone on this site are great people thanks for all the advice.


New Member
imho cfls work best when sprouting seedlings,and tyhe first few weeks of veg...then its best to use the most light as possible so they can grow nice and fast....growing with cfls is like watching a snail go across a field!! also please condier using a 400w hpos to flower....

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the info about the lights. Right now my plants are 7 days old and stand at about 3 inches. Is this a good time to add the 150w hps. Can one 150w hps support 3 plants that are 2-3 feet tall? does it hurt to have two different light specturems in the room such as the cfl's and hps at the same time? everyone on this site are great people thanks for all the advice.

150watts should be good for 3 plants... but why not get a 150 watt MH Conversion bulb to veg ???

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
I use cfls for side light in my flower room. It is good for the plant to get the dual spectrum. Thats what they get from mother nature. Plus more light is allways better. I have a bud that uses the new 1000w Solarmax bulb that has a 400wMH and a 600w HPS built into one bulb. It cost him $150.00 for the bulb and you use a 1000w HPS ballast to burn the bulb. His results are impressive with the dual spectrum light system.


Well-Known Member
Only if the ballast is one designed to fit the MH bulbs, otherwise you would need to invest the cash in a conversion bulb to fit the ballast you currently run. There's a really good article in the indoor forum that discusses light penetration, CFLs to HPS in terms of coverage and range of usable light, and although the CFLs are not nearly as efficient as HPS, lumen output / wattage speaking, the CFLs do offer great short range light; such as seedlings. Once the plant develops foliage and continues to grow vertically the light that the CFL bulbs contain is not as effective at penetrating the dense new growth. This is where the HPS has the edge as it's large light output will far outperform CFLs and will provide a much broader, denser canopy of light; more plant usable energy. If you intend on growing a whole crop with CFLs, you either need a lot of wattage or you need to redirect growth to the top with trimming to the lower third of the plant. Just my two cents, take it or leave it. Happy Growing all

KC :leaf:

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
thanks for all the info about the lights. Right now my plants are 7 days old and stand at about 3 inches. Is this a good time to add the 150w hps. Can one 150w hps support 3 plants that are 2-3 feet tall? does it hurt to have two different light specturems in the room such as the cfl's and hps at the same time? everyone on this site are great people thanks for all the advice.

noooo ! they are way too small for HID lights, your cfl are perfect until they are about a foot to 16" tall, fluoros are only good within 12 inches from the light. So after that, theyre stretching for lumens, but the stretch is really skinny and the branch is floppy and will need to be tied up. Ease them into the hps before flower to get a nice strong stock, with the same amount of stretching or more.
The bigger the spectrum the better, an hps bulb will stretch your plant more than a cfl, and if using both is the perfect amount of lumens for veg, is something like 40 000 with your 250 hps and cfl's are around 30 000 if im not mistaken. Look at your lumen output of your lights, min 20 000 max for veg im pretty sure is under 50 000, and higher potentially for flower. Its also relative to space, how far the lumens are going and the reflectiveness of your walls


Well-Known Member
Only if the ballast is one designed to fit the MH bulbs, otherwise you would need to invest the cash in a conversion bulb to fit the ballast you currently run. There's a really good article in the indoor forum that discusses light penetration, CFLs to HPS in terms of coverage and range of usable light, and although the CFLs are not nearly as efficient as HPS, lumen output / wattage speaking, the CFLs do offer great short range light; such as seedlings. Once the plant develops foliage and continues to grow vertically the light that the CFL bulbs contain is not as effective at penetrating the dense new growth. This is where the HPS has the edge as it's large light output will far outperform CFLs and will provide a much broader, denser canopy of light; more plant usable energy. If you intend on growing a whole crop with CFLs, you either need a lot of wattage or you need to redirect growth to the top with trimming to the lower third of the plant. Just my two cents, take it or leave it. Happy Growing all

KC :leaf:
That's fine if what you want is to start over every time..However for a continual grow, CFL's work the best..imo..Cost of running is less with CFL..I run4.5Kcfl's and the electric is only $15 more a month, with hps, it would run me $50-$75 more a least, at $350 norm,ally, that's too large a jump..


Well-Known Member
That's fine if what you want is to start over every time..However for a continual grow, CFL's work the best..imo..Cost of running is less with CFL..I run4.5Kcfl's and the electric is only $15 more a month, with hps, it would run me $50-$75 more a least, at $350 norm,ally, that's too large a jump..
I recommend that because I don't believe Weed2Die4 is running perpetually. I start over every time, I find it better to just grow smaller quantities of bigger plants. You need to put money out to get results, that's something I've come to terms with. Where I live there are 6 grows every square KM of my region so the price for electricity doesn't concern me or the authorities. I'm an efficient, environmental person as is and I only use about $62/mth for hydro now.

Anyways, it was just a suggestion, supplemental lighting is never a bad idea, never can have enough light. And nature gives off two spectrums Weed2Die4. Happy growing

KC :leaf: