Need help cloning! (moderate grower 3 harvests in exp)


ok, so after 3 harvest i finally decided to clone.
I used a rooting accelerator liquid, that says to soak medium and also foliar spray.
They have been inside a humidity dome for a little over a week now and still havent produced any roots.
They are in rockwool cubes.
What am i doing wrong? Please help i need another generation of plants asap i currently have 16 about to bud.


Well-Known Member
could use more info on your set up. roots can take awhile. they go nothing nothing nothing then bam root every where. I had a batch headed to the trash and as I started to dump them I had roots. I keep them going as long as there alive.


what more info do u need?
they have been in a humidity dome for 9 days
they are in rockwool cubes
i use jumpstart accelerator to soak and foliar spray but i have a feeling its a little bit weak
they cuttings are not dead, but they were looking bright green for the first 6 days, but since yesterday they have lost color and have not grown roots yet.
what should i do
do you need any more info?


Active Member
they often lose some green as they grow roots, putting the nutrient into new growth. they rely on the new growing medium to get green again. be patient.


Well-Known Member
9 days is soon, some strains take 3-4 weeks to show roots. I usally see roots about day 12-14, then a storm of roots appear everywhere soon after. Just clean up the dead leaves, and don't keep them to wet, make the plants/roots search for water the 2nd week. Keep dome closed the first 5-7 days, then open vents the 2nd week.
Good luck-


Yep, yellowing IS a sign of rooting.
Keep Humidity HIGH as possible and keep medium very wet for first week or 2, then let it dry out as much you dare to force rooting.
Normaly 2 weeks for roots, some can be slow up to 3weeks anything longer is weak and unless absolutely needed should be binned as they will always be slow.
When taking clones keep the cuttings in a glass of just water, folair feeding cuttings is pointless me thinks the company that makes your rooting compound just wants you to buy more faster...
Before applying the rooting compound skim the outer layer of plant to expose the inner part then put rooting hormone on, < This defo makes a difference


Rebel From The North
how cold is it in your cloning room?
maybe get a heating mat for them.
and using rock wool what is your PH
in your run off?
and most of all please post a pic


Ok here's my experience.

Use soft fast-growing shoots for clones and not lignified slow growing tips. They root more easily, and also grows faster and yields more as mature plants.

Clonex rooting gel are good stuff. Just dip the cuts prior to potting.

Ever studied the underside of the mature branches at the nodes from the main stem on your plants, and seen the white pinhead size "knobs" there? They're root precursors; every branch is infact a complete plant, they grow as fractals... So, cut the clone at a 45 degree angle right under a node, roots sprout easiest from the nodes.

Use a heating mat for reptilians wired through a dimmer, put a good aquarium thermometer in a moistened pot/cube with only media in it, and adjust to 24-25C on the dimmer, this works miracles for the speed of rooting.

And buy a digital thermometer/hygrometer and keep it in the dome, start out with misting twice a day and shoot for about 80-90% RH for the first couple of days. then, reduce the mistings to one time a day and lower the humidity a bit, and after 5-6 days you can stop misting, shoot for 50-60% RH and let the media dry out a bit. It'll encourage roots.

Timing for the above is of course strain and system/experience dependant, but I get worried if I don't see roots on the fastest cuttings within 7-8 days...

And NEVER keep the media too wet, oxygen/aeration of the stems are vital. I never scrape stems cause it opens for and encourages infections, and I also like to give them 4 hours of darkness.

I've seen roots in 3 days from an easy-rooting plant, with fast growing cuts taken at the right time...

Good luck!