need help!!!!!!! control my heat

fat frank

I have a 4×4 tint running 1000 watt I have a inline fan on my light pulling air from d outside room threw d light and back out d tint to control heat from d light... I also have a carbon filter ac20 at d bottom to heavy to hang but I ran it out d top back out to d room and a couple of fans someone help plz


1000 watts for a 4x4 is a bit overkill in my opinion. If you really want to run a 1000 watt lamp then yeah, cool tube reflector.


I would have upgraded to 600W in such a tent, way more doable with less heat/noise.
This doesn't mean you don't have to use an oscilating fan in your tent to get some airflow around you canopee though.
Is you ballast switchable to less watt? If yes run it under its max power, your isue will be fixed ;)


Active Member
Bigger fan for the 1000w lamp sucking the outside air thru it not blowing thru it....
Use the other fan for cool-air intake from another room into the tent, and a passive air vent to equalize the pressure...
you also need an oscillating fan to move the air around.... keeps out mites, mold, fungus and strengthens stems.