Need help correcting and buffering low Ph peat soilless mix for outdoor grow.


Well-Known Member
Mix is:
5-bails of 3.8 CuFt. compressed peat
8 CuFt. perlite
4 CuFt vermiculite
12 lbs. dolamite

I have been keeping runoff pretty close to 1.3EC using well water with Jack's Tap and a little epsoms.
Right now I have the mom in a 30 gallon bag and the rest in 3.5 Gallon buckets. Growth has been great until
we started getting 90F weather. No major problems but some plants are canoeing and not greening up like they used to.
A 33 Gallon barrel with 60grams of Jacks and 15 grams of epsoms gives me and EC of about 1.1 with a pH of about 6.7.
The runoff however is right around 5 pH. The plants have been in this mix about 2 weeks.

I know fresh peat mix needs some time for the lime to buffer, but I may have slowed it down even more by not using a fully powdered lime. The pulverized dolamite I used was more like pool sand.

I'm not sure what the best option from here would be.

Top dress with some powdered lime and raise pH of nutrient solution.
Top dress lime and keep Ph the same.
Or just raise Ph and see if the lime slowly starts to buffer better.

In a few weeks when the I move the buckets into grow bags I am going to add some powdered lime to the mix to speed up the buffering.
It sounds like a higher VPD resulted in overfeeding.
You've gotta back off the nutes when plants are transpiring to cool themselves.