Need Help Deciding What to Plant


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone.

Spring is here and I have a bare patch of ground outside that I would like to fill in with some perennials.

I was wondering if I gave a description of my zone and climate and some of my own personal preferences that someone could point me to some plants that fit the bill.

So I am in zone 5 and 6.
The area I will be planting in gets about a half day of direct sun and the rest shade.
It is an east facing garden.

I would like to plant something that dies back in the winter but then grows back each season.
I am thinking of maybe some sort of herb or maybe a decorative vine or grass.

This is not going to be for any sort of vegetables or produce of any sort. However herbs are fine.

I have tried a google search but I tend to like any plant I can get my claws on, so rather than rely on my indecisive self, could anyone recommend something for me?