Need help diagnosing plants

Hello, I'm having the same problem with all of my plants. The tips are turning yellow, and then it spreads to the edges, and eventually to the middle. It started from the bottom up and it keeps coming up on all of my new foliage. I have six auto-flowers all in pro-mix ultimate organic. I know that it isn't nutrient burn because it started before I gave my plants any nutrients, and to see if it made any difference I gave a very little amount to see if they would improve. The nutrients I use are roots organic "Buddha grow" and "trinity". I also experimented with "extreme serene" and "ancient amber" in a foliar spray. I don't think they would harm the plan when combined since they are produced by the same company.
I know that people say that is a beginner mistake to make, but pro-mix is mostly Sphagnum moss and I don't think it contains many nutrients. No worm castings, or bat guano, or any other stuff you see in compost fertilizer are listed on the bag.
I'm using a 90watt LED light that was about 6 inches away from the top of my plants but I raised it up because I thought it could have been the LED's bleaching the leaves.
Also, my medium stays very saturated for a long time and feels pretty compacted. My soil has added perlite but I doubt it has more than 15 percent.
I posted three pictures of my biggest plant. All of my plants are about three weeks old.

Any feedback on topic would be appreciated, please provide evidence to your theory as I have searched for countless hours through cannabis growing forums trying to solve my problem but none seem to fit my specific case.



Well-Known Member
Hard to tell for me. Doesn't look to bad to me whatever it is. Your new growth looks good so I wouldn't worry. I would stop the foliar feeding to as it's probably not needed.


Active Member
Hello, I'm having the same problem with all of my plants. The tips are turning yellow, and then it spreads to the edges, and eventually to the middle. It started from the bottom up and it keeps coming up on all of my new foliage. I have six auto-flowers all in pro-mix ultimate organic. I know that it isn't nutrient burn because it started before I gave my plants any nutrients, and to see if it made any difference I gave a very little amount to see if they would improve. The nutrients I use are roots organic "Buddha grow" and "trinity". I also experimented with "extreme serene" and "ancient amber" in a foliar spray. I don't think they would harm the plan when combined since they are produced by the same company.
I know that people say that is a beginner mistake to make, but pro-mix is mostly Sphagnum moss and I don't think it contains many nutrients. No worm castings, or bat guano, or any other stuff you see in compost fertilizer are listed on the bag.
I'm using a 90watt LED light that was about 6 inches away from the top of my plants but I raised it up because I thought it could have been the LED's bleaching the leaves.
Also, my medium stays very saturated for a long time and feels pretty compacted. My soil has added perlite but I doubt it has more than 15 percent.
I posted three pictures of my biggest plant. All of my plants are about three weeks old.

Any feedback on topic would be appreciated, please provide evidence to your theory as I have searched for countless hours through cannabis growing forums trying to solve my problem but none seem to fit my specific case.
its definetly nut doubt.flush them with ph balanced water.and whats ur ph?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't agree with the flush. It doesn't look severe enough to warrant one. Are they still growing? Maybe back of the nutes a ml or two but don't flush them. That will cause further stress.


when you spray anything onto your plants do it when yoru lights first go off that way they DONT BURN and by the time they come back on it should be dry , just FYI


Well-Known Member
Benn useing Pro-mix ulitmate organic off and on for the last 3 years. It does have a sea-based compost in. I add more perlite to it as i like my mixes very light. I have found for the first 3 week you only need to use straight ph balanced water and then start with 1/4 strength nutes.
Thanks for all of the feedback guys, but it seems like some of you are missing some information. All of this started before I gave the plants any nutrients! Unless the plants started getting nutrient burn three weeks into growing I don't think it would do that. It seems like if the medium was causing nutrient burn it would have shown up a lot earlier as I have used the same medium from the beginning. But I don't know this is my first grow so I'm not in a position to argue with veteran growers.

P.S. and if anyone can answer this random question that would be great because I know it isn't on any of the forums: Can fluctuations in CO2 hurt plants? I had dry ice in my closet sublimating to give my plants CO2 since there isn't any fresh air coming in and I haven't started doing it again yet because I don't want to waste money on plants that are doomed.
Thats a good idea but I'm vegging 24/0. The reason being I am very busy and would not be able to have a consistent lighting schedule. Also I'm using LED's and I'm wondering if they can burn plants that have been misted. I know LED's can bleach leafs but they create virtually no heat.
All but one are still growing. I transplanted two to get more perlite in the soil but I don't think one made it. One is stunted and was already the runt of the litter so it wasn't that big of a deal. The whole process was pretty horrifying so I decided to have them as an experimental group and the other four plants as a control group. They all look the same so I'm guessing it isn't a waterlogged/over-watering problem.
I'm using a crappy ph test kit I got at Lowe's that uses a color chart to show ph. It is definitely between 6 and 7 but I don't know the exact number. The guy at my local hydro store said the soil is ph buffered, and I don't think the amount of nutrients I added could change the ph.
The water where I live is pretty bad, it says on my counties website that the water is between a 7.8 and 9.2. I started using a brita filter to filter the water about a week ago, so I could get the chlorine out of the water.


Well-Known Member
All but one are still growing. I transplanted two to get more perlite in the soil but I don't think one made it. One is stunted and was already the runt of the litter so it wasn't that big of a deal. The whole process was pretty horrifying so I decided to have them as an experimental group and the other four plants as a control group. They all look the same so I'm guessing it isn't a waterlogged/over-watering problem.
I'm using a crappy ph test kit I got at Lowe's that uses a color chart to show ph. It is definitely between 6 and 7 but I don't know the exact number. The guy at my local hydro store said the soil is ph buffered, and I don't think the amount of nutrients I added could change the ph.
Those "crappy" pH test kits are accurate as hell. Far better than an uncalibrated pH meter.
Hotrodharley, I guess you are right in the sense that "they" are accurate, but could you yourself look at a ph color test and tell me what the ph is exactly? I agree that meters are unreliable at times, I just wish they had a number scale instead of a color scale.
Jarvild, if you are talking about the county water website, yes it does say the water has chlorine in it. I'm getting either nutrient burn from my medium, or nutrient lockout from using tap water (I tested the ph with a color test and it looked like high 7's or low 8's). Either way I'm going to flush with distilled water from the grocery store in a couple days when my medium gets dry and hopefully it will stop spreading. Definitely not using tap water anymore.


Well-Known Member
or maybe phosphorous deficiency. i would stabalize your PH (make sure its stabalized at hydroponic level not soil as pro mix is soiless and plants do better at a PH of 5.8-6.0 at least this is what i have read, may want to look into this a little more before deeming me correct)

and give a good feed. the problem with pro mix is it has no available nutrition for plants and if you have only fed verry lightly they may be starving....

and theres a shitload of terrible advice on this thread.....pick who you listen to wisely (it seems you are already)

and guys, stop jumping on the nute burn wagon and if you dont know dont say....i doubt its a nutrient burn if he is feeding so light and in a soiless medium.....sometimes reading peoples posts and not just looking at the pictures helps..


Well-Known Member
when you spray anything onto your plants do it when yoru lights first go off that way they DONT BURN and by the time they come back on it should be dry , just FYI
ahh the good ole water droplets burn plants regurgitation...god i wish people had a clue to what they were talking about before they regurgitated this nonsense......

just a FYI it is possible for water droplets to burn plants with "hairy" leafs Mj leafs dont apply to this and a 90w UFO is definatly not going to make this happen. you need some pretty extreme SUNLIGHT and really bad luck because the angles and the droplet and other variables all need to be in place for it to actually happen.

i had lots of squash plants in my garden last year (hairy leavs) and i would water them mid day in august with a sprinler and never got a single water droplet how is it that he is going to get any with smoothe surface leaves (which the water cools the leaf off because its a heat conductor) and a little 90w LED?

sorry to rant but people need to either know thier facts or shut thier mouths, tired of this garbage being spread around.


Well-Known Member
Sorry Pro-mix ultimate organic does have Marin Sea-Based Compost with Avec Bio-stimulant and mycorise.