NEED HELP diagnosis on first time plant


New Member
IMG_4422.JPG IMG_4426.JPG IMG_4425.JPG IMG_4425.JPG IMG_4427.JPG Well basicly it's my first time with literally no help ino somone that grew so they came and had a look but couldn't really make out could be a nitrogen dificentcy but I'm not too sure please comment and help is strawberry amnesia dinafem seed it has now started too spread upwards IMG_4424.JPGIMG_4422.JPG
dont worry much of those dying leaves, remove them even, but begin feeding this plant a well balanced diet, 1/2 strength commercial soil nutrients for instance, or....

dont panic grow organic...either way, she is frikken hungry man, I can hear her tummy from here.
a foliar application done right will hasten repair/healing. more food does not mean more weed, or better weed. follow directions, cut in half.
, she is going to stone you good!
I see roots too, she wants more dirt, a bigger pot, and a wooden hold up this monster when she's finished!

nice grow, clean tent, I'm jealous, my shits a mess all the time