Need help fast


Active Member
I have autos 55 days from seeds and 30 - 35 days in flowering. Some leaves have brown spots and dying. Can this affect quality and yield? Help please.



What are you feeding them and how much? Looks a little like nitrogen deficiency or nutrient lockup. Good temperatures in your room? Is it the oldest leaves?


Active Member
What are you feeding them and how much? Looks a little like nitrogen deficiency or nutrient lockup. Good temperatures in your room? Is it the oldest leaves?
Temps are 25-28. I feed them 2ml/L sensi bloom A/B and 1ml/L carboload every 3 days 3 L each. At day 3 medium is complete dry. Yes the lower leaves. The top leaves have yellow edges maybe because of light stress. I run 1000 watt CMH + 480 quantum board in 2 sqm


Active Member
What are you feeding them and how much? Looks a little like nitrogen deficiency or nutrient lockup. Good temperatures in your room? Is it the oldest leaves?
Also some top buds are complete dry I can cut and smoke directly. The lower buds leave oil in my hand

go go kid

Well-Known Member
old large leaves going yellow looks like the plant is drawing its nitrogen from the larger fan leaves. im not up on autos so someone with auto experiance is needed here, how much longer do they have to go till there finished?


Active Member
old large leaves going yellow looks like the plant is drawing its nitrogen from the larger fan leaves. im not up on autos so someone with auto experiance is needed here, how much longer do they have to go till there finished?
I don't know it's my second grow and first with autos. They are glueberry of. Some look more mature than others. Some are forming buds some are fattening and some have pistils turning brown. I also have the overdrive for use but I am confused with them.


go go kid

Well-Known Member
are all the pots recieving plenty of water? dry bud on a plant aint good if the rest are still flowering and fattening up. any of the stems on those plants with dry bud showing signs of anything out of the ordinary? ie patches or areas of a differant colour below the dry colas?
is it just the top colas that are dry or whole plant?
there may be differant phenos within the grow that will mature earlier then the others. but let someone with some experiance of this answer, probably a well known member, as im stumped on this unless there are signs of anything out of the ordinary going on that may explain this. wish i could be more help. go go