Need Help, first plant to put out side, Did i do it right?


Active Member
So Im an indoor grower, and was looking through 20 clones trying to figure out which 10 of 'em I would transplant into a 7gal pot full of Super Soil.

I have a place in the sticks my buddy lives on with an...OKAY... spot to put a plant. There is tree cover but I believe the plant will receive at least 4-6hrs of direct light a day other wise the light is not totally blocked but maybe 30-40% of the light will penetrate the tree canopy.

On to the soil, Im in the Pacific Northwest but east of the Cascades so our soil is clay shit.

We dug a hole 3ft x 3ft x 3ft deep, discarded the top 6in of soil, then the rest was put in a pile. I mixed in about 1 part Roots Organic to 2 part the soil already there in the pile.
I use Super Soil for my indoor, so Im familiar with amending nutes. I added in Rainbow Mix Grow... about 1.5lbs, more was mixed towards the bottom.

I popped in some Giga Bud that was 4week old in 1gal pot with Roots Organic in it. They are just starting to show a N deficiency so perfect timing.

Every one around here waits until June 1st to plant outdoors, so im 15 days early, I just told my buddy to put an styrofoam cooler over them if it will be a cool night, but never longer then 12hrs.

I made a 6in tall soil berm around the whole plant to hold water if you will, we will be giving it strait tap water... maybe some Fulvic Acid, Myco....


Ill post a pic next time i head over there



Well-Known Member
sounds like you are all squared away. as long as you don't have a hard frost you'll be fine. the plant should be big enough at 4 weeks old to fight off a few cold nights. good luck. :peace:


Active Member
Yes we have had our plants edging out to thier terraces since may even through a cold snap when it frosted, they are fine and gitting big fast. this beginning of june we will put them into thier 20gallon smart pots except for one trinity plant we are growing in a 6ft heap of our ss mix just cuz lol. its only 12 of them this year but we are anticipating much bigger plants


Well-Known Member
Hey west they should be fine, up here in the great white north i throw 4-6week vegged plants out on the 1st of may and anything under 2weeks i wait until may 24 weekend but that's just my preference