Need help from experienced growers mothers, cloning....



2 cycle grow


1000 watt switchable ballast
400 watt mh ballast

1. 14 sprouts-->veg to mothers--> clone--> flower mothers and get rid of males-> veg female clones--> flower female clones

I have never cloned before. I know part of the reason for cloning is to go perpetual and avoid males, but I only want to do two crops. Since i am starting with bagseed it will be trial and error. I would think for the plant to be big enough to clone would require a while of vegging so when I flower it wouldn't it be huge? How long after taking a clone should I wait to start flowering?

Any help is appreciated.


Well-Known Member
There is no need to flower all your plants to tell their sex. Preflowers will give their sex away at the 7-8th node or around 1 month old. I'd suggest growing them all up, chopping the males out, setting your best female aside to clone for your next round and flower the others.

OR....chop all the males out, take a cutting or two from your females before throwing them all into flower.

How long should you wait to flower a clone? I'd say that depends on your space. I'd veg to 18 inches personally.

Mr. Pine

if size is a concern remember you can always take clones after you start flowering, this way you only take clones from females and you don't have to veg as long, but they tend to take a few extra days to root and grow a little slower initially