Need Help from Growing Gurus


Well-Known Member
Early Girl you have done a good i would be proud to get buds like that, but maybe something is not rite with your nutes, but also 1200 watts of HPS for 12 plants how are your temps?


Well-Known Member
Do you have a fan on your plants. Maybe hot spots from lack of air flow? Seems like if was a problem with nutes it would affect the whole plant. You should have some type of upward airflow to push the cool air on the floor back up to the top of the room.


Well-Known Member
im thinking as it is affecting the top leaves its probably too close to your lights what strength nutes are u using ?

the widowman

Well-Known Member
2 600 w HPS i would say in a closet you'd be needing more ventalation or the fan turned up a bit but otherwise greatgrow way to go man!!!!!!!