Need help germinating


Active Member
I have three seeds in 16oz cups about a half inch down un germinated, with 6 cfl's about an inch away, and 78 degrees. It's been almost 24 hours, and no sign of germing. The soil is called Hyponex, its really cheap about 1 dollar at walmart. But everytime i water the soil about 5 mins later the soil will get hard and compact. is it because the lights are to close or what? i have the light on 23/1

Also i have a couple seeds in a wet paper towel in a plastic bag in light. It's been about 20 hours and nothing has happened at all. these seeds are just bagseed not sure what strain.

Should they start germing by now or am i just being unpatient?


Well-Known Member
That dirt doesnt sound too good.

you should invest in good potting soil.

seeds can take up to a week to germinate but i wouldnt wait that long personally.

take the seeds in the bag out of the light.
seeds germinating prefer darkness and warmth so put them in a cabinet or something.

they should grow tails.


Active Member
That dirt doesnt sound too good.

you should invest in good potting soil.

seeds can take up to a week to germinate but i wouldnt wait that long personally.

take the seeds in the bag out of the light.
seeds germinating prefer darkness and warmth so put them in a cabinet or something.

they should grow tails.
yeah that soil i got was the only kind in stock at walmart that didnt have nutes, i'll get a differ kind. What exactly should i look for walmart or somewhere similiar? Does all miracle grow brands have nutes in them or can i use that for starting the plants