Need help here...Got pics!!!


Right now the bigger plants or just bagseed. I dont know too much about them but they are about 3 or 4 different strains of plants. They have been doing pretty well up until now. The smaller ones in the jiffy pots are Sative Spirit and some type of Skunk. Well the problem is with the reggie bagseed. About three of them are curling starting at the top. They are noy dry, they have a rubbery feeling. I really dont know what the problem is. I just raised the light an hour ago (maybe heat a problem).

I use Organic Miracle Grow soil
400w MH light
Temperature: 70
humidity: about 65-75
Light cycle 18/6

Just built grow room
Got a skunk mix & trainwreck today from Attitude ready for germ...



Well-Known Member
Tell us more about your grow room, in particular have you checked it for light leak when lights are out. Also what is the temperature of the grow room with lights on and lights off. I am also assuming that when you say you are using Organic Miracle Grow soil, that this means its grow medium that has slow release fertilizers in it?


Well-Known Member
several things come to mind

the MG, like Jonus said, is not ideal for marijuana's needs and can cause some strange nutrient problems. overwatering could cause too many nutrients to be released. overwatering and too much nitrogen are both causes for a leaf to curl inwards like that

also could be heat stress, that lil guy on top of pics 1 and 2 looks burnt. moving the light was a good move, lets sep back and see if that fixes the problem. if not, your going to need a real good evaluation and solution; MG is so hard to work with

Rusty Crutch

Well-Known Member
I did the same thing when I first started growing. I grew 12 plants in buckets using store bought potting mix, dirt from my yard, an old 400w HPS and miracle grow in a wardrobe. 3 died and six were male. I would highly consider flushing your soil to remove some of that fertilizer before your plants start to compost. You can bring plants back from much worse though. At least they are still green.


Okay, there are no light leaks whatsoever..the grow room is in the basement, Where no man has gone before...LOL!!! The temp with lights on is around 70, and off is 60. I have a automatic heater in the grow room. Yes the organic MG has slow release nutes. I might be overwatering. Ill wait until soil drys..then Ill transplant into 5 gal buckets..what kind of soil should I get? I already have some MG plant food I havent used yet. What kind of nutes?


Well-Known Member
A couple of things.. MG Organic is a decent soil. I've gotten some very nice results from it especially in early veg when nute burn from overcharged soil is at high risk. It's nutes come from blood meal, bone meal, etc. You are NOT getting overnuted here; MGO runs a little too "cool", if anything. One thing that DOES suck about MGO is that it's very tight and doesn't pass water easily. When you upcan, have no worries about using it again, but add one part of perlite for every four parts MGO.

Don't flush, whatever you do. You'll just strip what nutrition is in there and cause more problems.

I can't say I've ever seen anything that looks quite like your plants. The weird, oversized leaf compartment structures (the lack of veins..) is very strange. Lack of drainage / root aeration plus your high humidities certainly fit with the overall appearance. Try upcanning to some perlite-amended soil, get your humidities down around 40-ish, and see what happens.

For nutes, I like Dyna Gro stuff ( I feed Foliage Pro to the end of stretch (9-3-6), and Liquid Grow after (7-9-5). I've become convinced of the value of feeding lightly at every watering, but that's for another day. Good luck.