Need help identifying/diagnosing a problem please..


Active Member
this is a Frisian dew plant from clone. Been vegging for months. All was well, no probs, nice green leaves.. Till last week sometime.. I didn't change anything. I have a cycle of water/nutes every four days.. Water, four days later nutes, four days later water.. Seems to work well. I have two other plants that have been taken care of identically and this one is the only one showing this prob.

Last week I noticed the outside perimeter of a few of the bigger fan leaves was turning really light green. Couple days later it turns yellow then is how you see it in the picture above.

Grown in Coco, GH Flora series for the nutes, gave one shot of calmag about a month ago. Temps about 65-75.. Other than that, that's about it.. On 18/6 light under CFL's to veg.

Today I flushed the crap out of all three and I noticed that the water coming out of this plant was much more darker red/brown than the water coming out of the other two. I flushed a 3gl bag with 10gl of water. By the end the water was clear coming out. For the last gallon I used distilled water with a shot of calmag.. Let them drain, then back into the closet.. And today I actually just flipped them all to 12/12, so I'm hoping that the flushing + calmag might help this girl.. Just posting here to see any more suggestions..

Thanks for any help!


Active Member
Also - should I pull the affected fan leaves? There's about 8-10 of them.. Or should I just leave them till they die?


Active Member
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

come on, some one has to have seen this before!

buellerrr haha idk dude im on my first grow but from i see it looks like nute burn.. r u in flower? i would back up on the nutes a lil and see if the prob persists..although from what i understand this is not uncommon in late flower.. hope that helps


Active Member
Must be a pretty sensitive plant if it was nute burn.. I am pretty light on the nutes, and I give the other two the same dosage... Hmm.. Maybe I'll start watering her nutes down just a bit.

Hoping the flushing helped too.. Like I said the water coming out of her was a brick red color.. Maybe I had a salt buildup or something..

I guess time will tell :)