Need Help Identifying Problem with Plant!!

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Hello all,

I'm currently growing from a seed that I got in a good stash a while ago. This is my first grow so I'm a little new to all this stuff and I was wondering what is going on with my plant. I believe it is a nitrogen deficiency but i'm really not quite sure. Could also be overwatering. Plant is in first week of flowering. I heard that a lack of nitrogen is potentially a good thing when the plant is in flower. Please look at these two pictures and provide feedback. Any help would be much appreciated!



Well-Known Member
Actually looks like nitrogen toxicity, burnt tips spreading inward. Also overwatering possibly. Are you using miracle gro? Are you watering more than once every 4-7 days?

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Actually looks like nitrogen toxicity, burnt tips spreading inward. Also overwatering possibly. Are you using miracle gro? Are you watering more than once every 4-7 days?
Yes I am using miracle gro since it was the easiest route for me to take. Using "MiracleGro Potting Mix" to be exact. Looks like it says .21% Nitrogen (N), .07% Phosphate and .14% Soluable potash. Also has .10% Iron.
Also have been watering every day if not every other day. Hope this helps anyones feedback.


Well-Known Member
What soil are you using ? i doubt your plant have nute def its more of a nutrient burn , maybe your soil is too hot ? but you could try some better pics at the damaged leafs.
Your plant is the first week after the switch ? its probably not still flowering , its metabolism is gettinh ready for it problably during next week you will see the pisitls starting to come out.
have you anyway of measure of RUN OFF EC and PH ? that would be a great help to diagnost.
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Well-Known Member
Yes I am using miracle gro since it was the easiest route for me to take. Using "MiracleGro Potting Mix" to be exact. Looks like it says .21% Nitrogen (N), .07% Phosphate and .14% Soluable potash. Also has .10% Iron.
Also have been watering every day if not every other day. Hope this helps anyones feedback.
you should water when your pot seem almost bone dry , cannabis plants endure more the lack of water than the abundance of it .. its in their genetics..
and also by watering too many times you will release nutrients into the roots everytime you water.


Well-Known Member
I've grown with miracle gro, it's not impossible, but it's tricky. Its mix is too strong for cannabis, but you can work around it.

I would water and let drain 10-12 gallons of water through each pot. After that, cut back watering to every 5-7 days.

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
I've grown with miracle gro, it's not impossible, but it's tricky. Its mix is too strong for cannabis, but you can work around it.

I would water and let drain 10-12 gallons of water through each pot. After that, cut back watering to every 5-7 days.
So your saying I should totally flush the plant with 10-12 gallons and then water every six days or so after that? And I have no way of measuring PH balance of the soil so.


Well-Known Member
So your saying I should totally flush the plant with 10-12 gallons and then water every six days or so after that? And I have no way of measuring PH balance of the soil so.
if you indeed go for the flush , make a very good one flush very well .
and about the watering , forget about time tables .. thats a big mistake , it depends on alot of factors .. just feel the pot with your hand .. its the best way , when its very light , you need to water ..


Well-Known Member
Geez, hopefully I can get a word in edgewise here...

You're letting the water drain out, not the soil. That requires small holes in the bottom of the pot. Testing ph would be ideal, but soil is pretty forgiving in that it buffers the ph, so it won't affect uptake as much.


Well-Known Member
If I flush and the soil level gets low in the pot, should I add more? Or just let it be?
Wait and watch the newer growth of your plant , cause the damage leaves will not recover .. let your plant get back to her health again before you feed her anything .. sick plant dont need to be fed like healthy plants. and anyway correcting nut def's it way easier than correcting nut burn . only thing you can do is to put a top layer of humus for now if you please, cause humus will not burn your plant.


Well-Known Member
ahhhhhh now i got it you mean soil level ??? i tought you were saying soil levels ( of nutrients ) sorry english is not my native so sometimes i get things wrong .. its like ficklejester said its not suposed to soil to come out .. that way you will disrupt all your root system.... and also if your pot as not drainage holes thats a big mistake.. its easy to get root rot or overwater like that ..


Well-Known Member
well in that cause what i would do is.. take your plant outside .. flush it really well .. dont put much water pressure on it so it dont disturb yor roots.. do it slowly .. and after let it get bone dry before water again .. and also only do the flush when you pot is completly dry . if you still have moist soil now .. dont do it .. Normaly when i flush i wait until i see signs of underwater .. your plant recover from underwater in about 15-20 min .. so dont worry

And then after the flush i would add a top layer of maybe 0.5 cm of humus . i dont know the saturation of nutrients in your soil right now , and after the flush so to play the safe side i will just go with that for now , because humus will not burn your plant.
when i say humus i mean wormcastings .. sorry i'n my country is called humus. i forget its diferent in english ..


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will wash away some nutrients and new growth should not show signs of toxicity. Damaged leaves most likely won't recover.


Active Member
I would also suggest trimming some of that dead hanging undergrowth. I see completely dead yellow and brown leaves hanging on, clean it up, follow the water regime everyone up there has set out for you, and then go to the place you bought that miracle grow and throw it at them.

Now that I'm happy you won't have the miracle grow anymore, if your going to use nutes again eventually, and you will need them eventually after the flush, get a low n-p-k tomato plant nute. 5-5-5, 10-10-10, and use it at a quarter strength. I understand miracle was easy or available for you to get, well there are better ones, and they are in the same Isle as that other shit.