Need help identifying these


New Member
These were brought home to me and I am having trouble finding out what kind of plant this is. Can anybody help? Thanks!



Staff member
My fault. I thought this was a growing site for all plants. You can delete this.
we have a gardening section , you posted in a section specific to marijuana
ill move it for you
welcome to rollitup

Organic Altruism

Well-Known Member
Very hard to tell with how sick the plant(s) are. To me, it looks like Epipremnum Aureum (Devil's Ivy). It's a fairly common houseplant, I just went upstairs and took a picture of one mine for comparison. Seems about right to me.
20160123_154907.jpg 20160123_154933.jpg

Of course this is no guarantee. Would you describe the leaves on your plant as slightly rubbery something close? The Golden Pothos, as it is more commonly called, has a slightly thick leaf.

