Need help is this male


Hey guys need help to determine if this is male or not have been in flower for 7 days now I'm really not sure if these are just new little growths that was growing or seed pods really unsure and gunna be pissed if its male lol 16028789339957925535479912754297.jpg16028789339957925535479912754297.jpg16028791094723837510050089950343.jpg16028791485376898140801984179125.jpg16028791765181438243396308833387.jpg16028791485376898140801984179125.jpg
Looks like it might be shy give it a little more time should not be long as always thank you for your time and the best of luck
Thanks man hope it's not male looks so good at the moment
Might be 8 weeks m
I’m not an expert, but that seems a long time to be showing no sex.
However the opposed phyllotaxy (leaves coming off the stem in pairs) is a tell of physiological sexual immaturity. Once the leaves break lockstep and an alternating phyllotaxy emerges, you should also see the preflowers that’ll tell the tale.
It might be 8 weeks man I never timed it only gonna time flower to make sure the buds are nice and ready lol
Guys it's been 9 days in flower now is this a male still no pistils I don't wanna wreck my other 2 girls even though this was my best plant IMG20201019222231.jpgIMG20201019222231.jpgIMG20201019222230.jpgIMG20201019222152.jpgIMG20201019222129.jpgIMG20201019222039.jpgIMG20201019222036.jpgIMG20201019221938.jpgIMG20201019222231.jpg