Need HELP!! leaves turned light green(with photos)


Well-Known Member

Have some problem here not sure how to do.

This is my set up and some info of my grow room
Im growing NL in 4x4 tent with 400W HM on 24 hrs with cool hood.
Room temp. average 76. no higher than 82 no lower than 70
Humidity 65%
Soil grow with GH 3parts 1-2-3 formula PH 6.5 EC 0.8

I use Scrog net to train the plant. Stilll in Veg. But my scrog net is almost full. Its time to flip.
I found the leaves turned light green, and some even a little bit yellow.( as you see in photos)
Any one know whats my problem? I think I should fix the problem then flip. is that right?
Or it doesn't matter I can just go 12/12?
Any suggestions or feedback would be very helpful for me.
Sorry for my terrible English


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Well-Known Member
If they start to turn yellow you probably need more nitrogen in the mix, or you need to add more food in general. A calmag supplement will improve the health of the plant if you are not running one already. Feed more, they will look better. Over feeding gives you burnt tips and the claw. Under feeding gives you pale, yellowing leaves. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
If they start to turn yellow you probably need more nitrogen in the mix, or you need to add more food in general. A calmag supplement will improve the health of the plant if you are not running one already. Feed more, they will look better. Over feeding gives you burnt tips and the claw. Under feeding gives you pale, yellowing leaves. Good luck.
Thanks for the information. I use calmag in between. Probably I should use it every time I water? I'm in two week after flip. Leaves turned back to green a little bit. I thought calmag only help in veg?? Do I keep adding it during flowering stage?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the information. I use calmag in between. Probably I should use it every time I water? I'm in two week after flip. Leaves turned back to green a little bit. I thought calmag only help in veg?? Do I keep adding it during flowering stage?
There's generally a baseline with plants I guess that require a lil bit of everything at any time. Depending on age/stage of a plants life, those demands will peak and diminish. I've been using this generic plant generalization of when to expect peak periods throughout its lifecycle. The ca/mg always confused me too.

Hope it helps.

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Well-Known Member
I thought calmag only help in veg?? Plants are alive.
Every plant is different. Even mothers and clones. Maybe something else isn't perfect. Who knows. Just keep doing it better every time.

Do I keep adding it during flowering stage?Many would stop at week 7.

If they are looking better why not look into the factors or the environmental aspects most relative to the consumption and the need for magnesium during plant development.Or then again maybe it,s just genetics.


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil are you using? Coco? Organic?
I never grew NL I know someone who did with promix and peters huge plants.
GH 3parts 1-2-3 may be low in MG but then again i,m a organic soil dude.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the information. I use calmag in between. Probably I should use it every time I water? I'm in two week after flip. Leaves turned back to green a little bit. I thought calmag only help in veg?? Do I keep adding it during flowering stage?
Ya keep it going until two weeks before they come down, then taper it out. Personally i lower calcium before i lower the mag if i have a mag+sulpher to run at the end.