Need help of experienced growers!


So I'm not exactly an outdoor grower, but I'm growing in a greenhouse.

Recently I fed the plant some MOAB and I'm experiencing the consequences now. My lower fan leaves are starting to yellow and drop off. There are about 10 different strains, but I'd say on average they're about three weeks into bloom.

I also found a little bit of bud rot on one of the strains I'm growing that is further along in bloom than the other strains. As soon as I noticed the rot I cut it off the plants. I sprayed the plants the next day with Oleotrol-M at the recommendation from the guy at the hydroponic store.

I went back and talked to a more experienced guy and he told me I shouldn't have sprayed it during flower because it's an oil based fungicide.

I just feel fucking hopeless. I want to flush the girls to flush out the MOAB, but I don't want to increase the humidity of the greenhouse. Please help!

Should I flush? Should I spray the plants with Actinovate or will that just make it worse? What should I give the girls to combat the nitrate inhibitor?

The greenhouse has tarps that go up that close off the greenhouse. Should I close it off and set up some dehumidifiers?

I know bud rot doesn't like warmer conditions. It's supposed to be in the mid seventies tomorrow and then high sixties for the rest of the week. Help!


Well-Known Member
Closing off, flushing, and running dehumidifiers could work, id almost say if the humidity outdoors is gking to be low for a day or two opem everything up in the greenhouse and run fans. Imo. Any pics of the leaves? How much moab?


The recommended dosage for the first week of bloom. I thought feeding a small amount continuously for bloom would help, but shows you what I know...



Well-Known Member
The recommended dosage for the first week of bloom. I thought feeding a small amount continuously for bloom would help, but shows you what I know...
if your already getting rot you might want to get more air flow through plants and ghouse. With the Moab if you use it you want to use less than the recomened amount and make sure you mix it in a gal or half gal of your fert before you put it in your big reservoir to make sure its completely mixed up.



if your already getting rot you might want to get more air flow through plants and ghouse. With the Moab if you use it you want to use less than the recomened amount and make sure you mix it in a gal or half gal of your fert before you put it in your big reservoir to make sure its completely mixed up.
Thank you!! Do you have any suggestions for reversing the damage caused by the nitrate inhibitor?


Well-Known Member
Not sure about that. I'll let you know if I can figure something out. Be careful with flushing your plants too much thou they need nutrients at this stage to keep flowering hard


Not sure about that. I'll let you know if I can figure something out. Be careful with flushing your plants too much thou they need nutrients at this stage to keep flowering hard
I only flushed today with pH water. It actually wasn't a flush really. I water with pHed water every other watering. I gave them the same amount of water as usual. I plan on watering them again tomorrow with pHed water and kelp. I want to remove the MOAB and add nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good. If your gonna use more Moab wait until week 6 or so. But honestly if your flowers are really dense at week 6 you probably won't need it.
I only flushed today with pH water. It actually wasn't a flush really. I water with pHed water every other watering. I gave them the same amount of water as usual. I plan on watering them again tomorrow with pHed water and kelp. I want to remove the MOAB and add nitrogen.[/QUOTE