need help on cool tube

im building a cool tube this week im wondering what works better for making it the round baking tube or the glass candle pieces that others have used and also how much air will i need to run through it with little duct work can i get away with one of those 30 dollar inline booster 6 inch or do i need one of those vortex high velocity deals oh and im running 1000 watt hps

any advice will help
well im going to try a bake round maybe ill buy a cooled hood someday but that economy ya know lol anybody who has tried it please do tell
i dont order shit online cuz then they got my credit card number and with that they got my address... did anyone read the post about ppl getting busted from buying from high times... or some websites give cops ur info when buying this stuff... watch out... always go to the hydro shop and pay cash or go to the store and get a prepaid credit card..... yea it might be a pain and yeah they might not send in your info and everything could be fine .... but what if everything is not good.... it takes a few mins and a few dollors to get one in the long run could save you ass jail time.... idk..
The 6 in Booster fan will NOT be good enough. Not even close. I have one. It barely moves air. You NEEN a high velocity (preferably centrifugal) fan to use witha cool tube. Especially since your using a 1000. I made my DIY cool tube out of a large hurricane lantern glass I got at a craft store for like 7$. It works good not great. It is open ended so it also exhausts my tent and filters the air too with a DIY carbon filter I made. I use a 6in vortex type centrifugal fan. I dropped 10 degrees in my tent and got my tops about 6 inches closer to the light using it. (400W HPS). I think the bake arounds are way to small.
And buying perfectly legal growing supplies online is...well...perfectly legal lol. Many states have passed medical marijuana laws. Its a growing market segment. Perfectly safe to buy online IMO.
yeah i read an article that someone ordered shit from high times and then a few days later got called up by cops and asked if he had hydroponic grow gear at his house and he said no and just got rid of the shit
yeah i read an article that someone ordered shit from high times and then a few days later got called up by cops and asked if he had hydroponic grow gear at his house and he said no and just got rid of the shit
What about the MILLIONS of people who order everything from seeds to vaporizers, and grow tents, and hydro gear and bongs with pot leaves painted on them who DONT have any problems? I'm just saying...
There's risk in getting out of bed. LOL But like I said, people should be aware of the laws where they live and in most places growing equipment and accessories are perfectly legal. So I dont know why someone would "get rid of the shit". And I certainly dont think the cops would CALL to see if someone was breaking the law. LMAO
well my bake round isnt here yet but im going to try it i have a HVAC fan im going to hook up to it hopefully it is strong enough if not ill be buying a vortex fan

anyone else run a 1000 on a bake round let me know how it works
i have a bake-a-round..a 1000W will be too big, look on ebay for pyrex tubes. it might be cheaper to just buy a cooltube..less headache too.
i looked all over for a bigger pyrex tube and couldnt find shit
some places sale nice vases if i could cut the bottom off would work good if you know a good spot to buy one do tell
i bought a 56in pyrex tube off ebay..tried to make a dual cooltube. it was a huge pain in the ass. would've been better to just buy an already manufactured cooltube..Im not to savvy when it comes to buildin shit tho.

this dude 7th1der had an awesome thread on DIY cooltube, but it was for a 150W hps. I followed the instructions and found the head from the light would warp the plastic that held the tube. 1000W in a bake-a-round simply wont work..

i have a 1000W in a hood...with an 8in fan sucking the heat out. works like a charm
I got my hurricane lantern glass tube at a craft store called Michaels. Anyplace that sells a lot of candles probably has them too. Yankee Candle maybe? But you can find one on Ebay like this >
That was just the 1st one i saw, Im sure there are others that will work.
Good luck!