View attachment 3858353 View attachment 3858355 okay I'm gonna start from the start before I had seedlings, went to my local potting mix shop and the owner didn't have this outdoor mix I got last year, so I decided to make super soil and let it sit for a few months, I already had my seeds. strains are liberty haze, Girl Scout cookies and cookies kush, so I germinated the seeds like I usely do they germinated fine everything was a success I put them in either 7-9 litre pit maybe, the soil was seedling raising soil, watered them everyday they grow good for a while then slowed done, I figured out that I over watered them so I dug a hole and put my super soil in there and then dug a hole in the centre of the super soil and put more seedling mix and by the time the roots are good it can grow in that soil, so done that they have grown but not much in 2-3 months, the weather where I live had been really funny this season ever since spring started the days have been hot cold hot cold, having 24-31 degree weather for 3 days then going cloudy and cold for 2 only being around 19-16 degrees could that be the problem? Ph checked my water it was blue so got some ph up and down and made it a nice green, I water every 2 days at night with about 4 litres each plant also have given them nutrients because they were yellow, but I'm just not to sure what's happening I'll post some photos below. Thanks for reading all this I want something to harvest this season so need to be detailed,

and yes I know they have nutrient burn.