Need help on seeded plants...


Hello. I had a light interruption for about a week, and two out of the 5 plants in my room have hermied out visibly (the other strains are dense so I won't be able to tell till I break it up).

I am about halfway through the 5th week of flowering so far.

My question is this: If I chop down the visibly seeded plants, and assuming the others will finish at the end of the 8th week, will removing the two now help the other 3 fill in? Is it too late to do such a thing? Would it be more beneficial to keep the hermied plants in the room and let them flower? Yield is an issue so I am trying to maximize what I can from this frikken trainwreck of a harvest.

Thanks for any input.


Active Member
id either move/chop the herms or carefully go through them and pick off every single pollen sack (outside your grow room!) - these are your only options really to stop the others from being pollinated (3 weeks is plenty of time for your sensi to turn seedy). Good luck.


Here's the thing:

I know almost for a fact the other 3 are already hermie. They're just too dense to tell. Someone had my light turn on 24 hours for a whole week at 5 weeks, so I know theyre all done for.

What I truly am looking for is to maximize the yield on the 3 that will more than likely produce almost twice as much per plant.

The two that hermied bad are stretchy, wispy lookin' dudes. the three that look alright are nasty dense fuggers. So would 3 weeks of having the three under the light without the other two be beneficial yield-wise? I am running just 1000 watts in one reflector, so I imagine taking the two taller plants would allow some more light distribution, and I would also imagine, a bigger yield. But there being only 3 weeks or so left I'm not sure if it would be more worth it to let the two go.

What to do!