Need help on supplies for first grow !!

im looking in to growing 2; maybe 3 plants of Top 44 strain in a 2ft long; front to back x 8ft wide; side to side x 8ft tall closet. :weed::weed: _ :weed:

I am planning on buying a 250w MH light for vegatation & a 250w HPS light for flowering; and a 250w MH/HPS convertible digital ballast.. I also need a 250w reflector but i dont really know too much about reflectors and which one i should get except that hortilux makes good ones.. I also read that i need a connecting wire, socket, and a timer as well.

*Any info on where i can purchase this / online stores that you guys either have
purchased from before or know about. (I would prefer to buy everything at once
from one store.):?:
*Which brand of light should i get / is the most consistent/durable/efficient?:?:
*Also advice on what is the best type of reflector for a small garden like mine and
where to buy one. (2ft long; front to back x 8ft wide; side to side):?:
*And advice on what type of connecting wire, socket, and timer / where to buy
appreciated as well.:?:

:leaf:SOIL & NUTRIENTS:leaf:
I am planning to buy FoxFarm Happy Frog Potting Soil for the soil and FoxFarm Grow Big 1qt & Big Bloom 1qt as the nutrients.. I have no idea what type or size containers i should use.

*I kinda have this figured out and where to buy it but if you know of a better
one / have used a better type of soil / nutrients; please let me know!:-P
*All info on what type/size containers i should get for seedling stage then
vegative/flowering stage would be greatly appreciated as well.:?:

Should i use tap, purified tap; or some other type of water?

*Advice needed in this area! I have no clue about this.:?:

ALL input to help me out with my first grow would be really appreciated:clap::clap::clap: