Need Help On Vegi Garden Fencing


Well-Known Member
Hello, Cult here and would first like to say "WOW" this site has totaly changed since the last time i was on, it looks perrty. lol

so anyway, i'm putting in a vegitible garden and i need advise on what kind of fence to put around it.

i have rabits, voles, moles, deer and cyoties in my area all of witch i would like to keep out... but mainly i would like to focus on the rabits and the deer (i figure the cyoties aren't going to be much of a problem)

i'm wondering what kind of fence to use, chicken wire is all i can think of, but how high do i need to make it to keep deer out? and do i need to dig it into the ground? how deep if i do? will chicken wire keep deer out at all?

how do you all keep those critters out?

... or should i just clean my 20 gauge?

any advise would help, i've had gardens before but not in this area, and i live right across from a "nature preserve" (which is basicly a bunch of old cornfields and swamps with some wooded areas) where there are lots and lots of these critters who come into our yard all the time... which i don't mind as long as i figure out a way to keep them from eating my shit.

so ty for your help.

chicken wire is your best bet.

dig a trench thats a spade deep and post holes. place fencing into the trench and backfill, this will stop rabbits/voles/moles entering the patch. deer can be a pain they love the fresh new shoots and seedlings.

once you have the wire fencing around the plot you need too think about covering the top. deer will reach over an pluck away. a couple of sheets of chicken wire over the top of you fencing will help. plastic rip ties work well holding chicken wire together and over the top of the plot.

raised beds will also help keep the rabbits/hares/voles/mice/rats/moles away from the veggies.

other way is making a chicken wire cage and placing over the most attacked seedling/plants.

hope this helps you a bit
