Need help planting an already pinning tub of of psilocybe ovoids..

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
I was gifted a gallon sized zip lock tub of locally dug up mulch/mycelium, that I was supposed to put into a bed of some kind at the beginning of winter, but didn't get around to it. Was gonna put them under some rhododendron bushes, or a nice little raised bed out back..

I threw a worn out tarp over it, and left it alone. Checked once in awhile and it stayed wet/moist. Checked the other day, and seen a few weed seedlings.. and some little pins emerging towards the sides of the plastic!

Should i just carefully set it on top of a tub full of alder chips, so I can still collect the growing fruits, and also keep it going .. Or break it up and bury it under layers of the new mulch, and just wait again till next year?

If I let them fruit on top of the mulch, will that work better because all the spores will drop down into it over the next few months?

Ovoids fruit in April as opposed to most psilocybes that don't start here (PNW) until the fall time..

I want to keep a patch going more than just letting it fruit out and harvesting whats in the tub (which is amazing too), and not let down my friend when they visit..

Any one with experience here?

I found myself over at mycotopia as well. I'm pretty much all set now. FYI, the communal woodlovers thread is a great resource!