Need help plants are getting brown spots.


image.jpeg Well 3 of my plants are getting brown spots. I have bin giving them rain water only they are in ffof its my 1st time growing need a lil help. image.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpegimage.jpeg image.jpeg


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a senile fungus

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I was thinking more on the lines of nutrient burn and over-watering...
I've found this piece and it mentions the spots, not just the tell tale signs of the leaf tips. ;

Leaf Color:
Edges Appear Brown or Burnt
Dark or Purple Leaves
Black or Gray Patches on Leaves
Brown or Dark Spots

Leaf Symptoms:
Upper Leaves / Newer Growth Affected
Lower Leaves / Older Growth Affected
All Leaves Seem Affected
Leaf Edges Appear Burnt
Leaf Tips Appear Burnt
Leaf Tips Die
Slow Growth
Twisted Growth
Leaves Curl Under

Plant Symptoms:
Weak Stems
Slow Growth
Twisted Growth
Leaves Curl Under

Other Symptoms:
Buds Not Fattening
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Thanks a lot all 4 the insite. 1 quick question the plant in the black pots are 23 days old how are they looking?
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