need help please male....


Active Member
ok i have been looking at alot of pic's of male plants and the more i look at the more mine looks the same as a male.. it's about 5 ft in flowering i have no other plants but this one.. what should i do with this male take it down or let it grow.. it also looks like it has little buds at the top and sides.. really dont no what to do i cant upload no pic..



Active Member
also if i let it grow will i get seeds from this plant.. will they all be male seeds


Well-Known Member
the male plant doesnt make seeds it polinates a female plant and when the female plant is polinated it makes seeds instead of bud...

as far as i know this is how it works.


Active Member
yeah i see the pollen sacks and also see buds at the top.. the pollen sacks look like a green seed and plus the bud at the top and they also come out at the top of the side leaves..


Well-Known Member
You said it does not have "white hairs", or pistils.
That is normally indicative of a female...but if you
really know those are buds at the top, you could
either chop off the balls, or let it pollinate it self
for seeds...


Active Member
ok would it hurt if i pluck all the leaves off the plant and leave the buds and balls or should i get rid of the balls..
i also have it at an angle turned down so it will grow out more..


Active Member
ok i chop the balls off what should it start doing after a couple days.. will it grow more balls or buds


Well-Known Member
It will def. grow more balls, just keep chopping them and
they wont pollinate your buds. I'm not promising anything
on the buds...never preserved a hermie before, just a male
in hopes of turning out some buds.


Active Member
okay i will just wait and see what happens.. i also have another question.. a friend of mine gave me some white widow and ak-47 seeds but there kinda like tan seeds and i have been trying to grow them, and nothing.. i also have bag seeds should i use the black seed's 1st becasue they are ready for planting,, but i can't seem to get the ak-47 and white widow to even sproute..


Well-Known Member
You can try, but if they are tan their underdeveloped...Viable
seeds have stripes on them...Germinate them in paper towels,
and keep them warm...


Active Member
okay i will try that then.. i have seeds that have stripes on them but what about the black lookin seeds are they good to plant also


Well-Known Member
Don't get your hopes up on those...Try it, just germ.
properly and you'll have a better chance. I've never
germed black seeds...


Active Member
okay thanks for all your help man.. i will have more questions as soon as the sproute i am sure lol.. thanks again for all your help..