Need help, please.


New Member
Okay, I have 3 seeds folded in paper towels, I am keeping them moist. Their behind my Xbox 360, keeping warm.

They've been this way for 24 hours now and they have not sprouted yet.

Did I do something wrong?

Also my grow room setup is, two 75 watt flourscent light bulbs and a bottom of a lava lamp with a halogen in that.

I'm not sure how much to water, I planted two seeds in the dirt, two I decided not to germanate.

I'm pretty sure they're good on light though.

If someone could tell me how much to water and if I need to wait longer for them to sprout.


Well-Known Member
ur doin fine,,,
keep ur paper towels moist, and they will spring!
sometimes it takes longer,
b patient,
ur ones in soil... keep soil moist, not saturated but moist, and u should b fine man.