Need help please.


So I am growing in fox farm soil outside in pots. I just transplanted into a 15 by 15 inch pot do you think I can finish in this pot. Pictures coming up. Just don't want a root problem when it goes into flowering if it's a female. Last year used bad soil and big time purpling through stems thought it was cal mag issues but was wrong . When I harvest I I seen how the roots had know we're to go anymore starting coming out the top. I live Midwest so summer sun moves fast shorter days coming. Thanks any help would be great



What's the strain your growing that pot should be big enough to finish aslong as your not growing a tree :-)
Growing cherry alien. So if I go to a bigger pot looking at a nice size tree? Can I transplant when it's flowering? When do you think I should go bigger if I decide to? Sorry tons of questions.
Growing cherry alien. So if I go to a bigger pot looking at a nice size tree? Can I transplant when it's flowering? When do you think I should go bigger if I decide to? Sorry tons of questions.

I can only answer these to what i know I'm only starting myself but I can say mine are looking very well after 5 weeks they are 70-140 cm high they are autos tho, ideally you would want it in the right pot before it flowers, would a pregnant woman like been moved lol