need help ppl


here are some pics of my special queen#1 been blooming now for if my maths is right this is my 6th week on advise recieved by a so called expert he told me to chop off 70- 80% of the leaves in week 4 of bloom . even tho the leaves seem to have come back there is not alot happening bud wise ? this plant flowers for 7 weeks and im on week 6 as i say . i av been using vitalink bloom&buddy 4 the last 2 weeks , i av also bought ghe ripen for the last 10 days , any advise or comments would be most welcome . thanks ppl​


Lots of diff. thought on this. I usually remove about 5-10% of DEAD OR ALMOST DEAD leaves taking up valuable light every week thru harvest. I only remove green, healthy fan leaves if seriously blocking light to a bud. You essentially removed all of plants stored energy, sugars etc. that it took weeks to build up. I think your plants buds kinda got put "on hold" while new leaves form. Its been 2 weeks, you should see some push back to flowers now. Not familiar w/ GHP Ripen.


Well-Known Member
poor picture btw, I suspect chopping all the leaves off shocked it and it's just coming back to normal. By all those white pistils you're weeks away from finishing.


agree,they need to focus on making big hard buds and not directing all there energy on not cut unless you have to .IE;Bugs,Mold,etc


so time is not an issue now ,could i leave them a few more weeks untill they start to go brown . whats puzzling me is the seed packet said 7 weeks flowering and im on week 6 people r telling me just to leave them but wont this make them fuck up cos its past the plants cycle times .