need help sexing. good pics included.

Hey everyone. this is my first go-around with the whole process so any help/advice/corrections would be awesome.

Basically, im a little confused with the whole sexing thing. i thought i had it figured out, but now im not sure.

I have 7 going now, all from bean. i think i definitely have 2 females. the rest im not sure. this is where i get confused. i was under the impression that males show 1-2 weeks earlier then females. from what ive read, males will show 3 little balls. the 5 that im not sure about of are showing only 1 ball which i was told doesnt mean its a male (it could be the calyx the pistoles develop from). this is where i get confused. why would my females already by showing pre-flowers but the males talking their time. im hoping that they are not males and are just females that havn't show pistoles yet.

the truth is that i hope to have some males because i dont have room for all 7 and that would make it easier to pick which ones to get rid of. the first three pictures are of the questionable males. two of the pics are taken thru a 30x magnifying glass. the second two pictures are my females. the pics are pretty clear and im almost 100% sure those are females, but like i said this is my first attempt, so please humor me and let me know if im right of if im looking at a dried up axiel limb (that happened to me like 2-3 weeks ago)



Well-Known Member
the plants that are under question, are very hard to looks like you might have to wait a few more days to find out if they're "assholes" or "bitches" haha...make sure you do a thorough inspection of the plants...GL

hey so pics 1-3 are of what i think are the males. pics 4-5 are of what i believe to be females (im not sure, but i think those are the white hairs, please let me know if 4-5 are females in your opinion) and pics 6-7 are just a pic of the plant. are you saying i should wait a little longer with the questionable males before getting rid of them. and are picd 4-5 what i should be looking for. like i said, this is my first time sexing, so im not sure if im right about the females either. thanks for the help people.

they are 6 weeks old. i switched to 12/12 1-2 days ago. veg'd and now flowering under 400w hps.


Active Member
the two white hairs you see in pics 4 and 5 are what you are looking for - let the possible males go a little longer, you'll see how clear the difference is after a week