NEED HELP tea + lucas ?


Hi I'm starting a small hydro grow and I need some help with my feeding plan. Mostly because I've never heard of anyone feeding the way I'm planning on. I'm going to be growing in myko active coconut coir, with the jars that are covered in holes ( I forgot what theyr called but the expert at the hydro store said theyr the best) and when I transplant them I'm going to have mykos from xtreme gardening under for the roots. I'm planning on giveing them one feeding of the xtreme gardening tea a day and once a week giving them the Lucas formula w/ super thrive every other time in veg and molasses during flowering . W/ the nitrogen fixer from xtreme (not sure how much or when yet ) . Is there anything I could do different to make it better ? Anything to add? Or not even waste my time with ? I'm a new grower and no one is replying to any of my posts so any input would really help.
the information you seek is there if you seek
it's not something you just pick up from an "expert" at the hydro store
from experience I've learned people don't want to answer questions with too many variables
they don't want to do the work for you
correct spelling is always a plus, too
slow down
then read some more
what was it God said to Moses?
be still and know me?