hi guys i was just wandering if u guys can help me in the right direction ........... well i just started an indoor growing system n i got some growing outdoor but i dont know why my plants are growing deform or something ..... im really worry it might not come out right ???? the outdoor plant have curly leaves n somehow when it was budding the bud seem to split up n not form into a ball or a nugg on some part of the plants also my indoor plants are not growing leaves of five or seven but instead its growing one strip of leaf ..... thinking that something is wrong here .......... im using EJ grow n bloom n also tiger bloom ....... i water it every 2 to 3 days n ph level at 6.5 to 7.0 plus how much watering u should i give the plant or am i not giving it enough nutrients ......... im using a 1000 watt n giving it about 16 hours of light everyday but i dont know what im doing wrong here help me out !!!!!!!
got some pics of it if it helps
got some pics of it if it helps