need help with choice of product and vermin protection im a newb


hay guys i live in the middle of bumfuckk nowhere and i plan on guerilla growin this year there is no foxfarm or guano or kelpmeal or realy anything i can use what common store bought fertalizers and soil can i use. id preffer organic but i could do without. and what stuff can i use for vermin and insect protection?? thnks for all replies your advice is appreciat


Well-Known Member
You can start by digging your holes early and start amending the soil with lime, and maybe a compost to give the soil time to work. As for the animals i always pissed and shit on the outside of grow area. They wont come around if they smell the feces of a meat eater. Sounds gross, but worked like a charm. If you have a dog, you could collect the droppings and use them. Just a cpl suggestions.


alright thanks dude i figure lime preety easy to come i dont have any gardening knowledge besides cannabis so if it sounds like a dumb question thats why