Need help with lighting


Active Member
I recently just had to get rid of my plants do to me moving. Ive been hanging around the site just reading but im confused on what kind of lights to use .... which ones are cheap ...... and where i could go to get them. I was using a light that was for reptiles and that was working well but i want to use what everyone else is using!


Active Member
yeah i have a small space for now so i guess lighting for a small grow area for only about 4 plants. I'm just very confused on the lighting b/c of all these crazy letters like cfls or w/e. Do regular house bulbs work?


Well-Known Member
30 To 50 watts per sq ft on hid lighting is a good rule of thumb for tight buds.I just saw a cfl grow the guy had 8x23 and 2x42 on 2 plants and it looked awesome,but using cfls are a snail grow and i dont have the time are patience.Best advise try growing with some cfls and see if you even like it before buying alot of stuff,growing is not for everyone and is alot work and you can get tied down if you go BIG.No to the housebulbs not worth the time.SOG is the best way for maxium yield in a small space.GL beech,grow 4 of these they got me almost 4 oz with 800 watts of hid 1x400mh 1x400hps eyebulb.47 total and 25 flower at the time these were taken.


Well-Known Member, if you are starting with cfl's you can find a great selection here at good prices.