Need Help with lighting?!?!?

I have a 7 by 7 grow area to work with. I'm thinking either 2 thousand watts, 8 250 watts, or 3 or 4 600 watts... What do you think would be the best?? Thanks ahead of time for anyone one that helps....
Honestly, I think two 600W lights would suffice.
Do you think that that is enough for max yield though?? Sometimes I see people loading up the wattage in really small grow rooms but they get pretty good yields.. I'm only planning on about 8-10 super lemon haze's in the room... thanks for the quick response :)


Well-Known Member
600w lights are known to have a good balance for heat lumens and spread. I would prefer to use a couple of 600w than a 1000w per say. I have a single 600w for a 4x4 area and have had good results without any heat problems. so for your 7x7 I would agree with Cr8z13 and use 2 600w


Active Member
I have a 7 by 7 grow area to work with. I'm thinking either 2 thousand(short by 450) watts, 8 250 watts(short by 450), or 3 or 4 600 watts...( @3 short 650... @ 4 short by 50) What do you think would be the best?? 4 if this was the only option i had, 3 1k's is what is do if i could swing it with the specs given. MANDITORY AIR MOVENMENT IN AND OUT

Best Of Luck And Much Respect:peace:


Well-Known Member
Best of luck Bro. Just remember that not everyone will give the same advise and work out what works for you. What might be good for one may not be good for another. Trial and error will be your best teacher.
Thanks I was just searching around and decided to sign up for this forum... Hopefully I can combine everybody's advice and make one Super GROW Room!!!!Ha Ha