need help with my plants


Active Member

Hi these are my plants in the 1st picture they are 6 days old seedlings, the 2nd picture is 2 weeks old but the one im having trouble with, i have done my nutirent tab and the water ph is 6.4 i have the light on 20 hours on 4 hours off and the fan 24 hours these are auto seeds but as you can see its going yellow with brown tips. im new to this and cant see what im doing wrong i have been following the aerogarder guide on here. any help is appericated many thanks


Well-Known Member

Hi these are my plants in the 1st picture they are 6 days old seedlings, the 2nd picture is 2 weeks old but the one im having trouble with, i have done my nutirent tab and the water ph is 6.4 i have the light on 20 hours on 4 hours off and the fan 24 hours these are auto seeds but as you can see its going yellow with brown tips. im new to this and cant see what im doing wrong i have been following the aerogarder guide on here. any help is appericated many thanks
Use at least half strenth of that tablet, it looks like it is burning that plant in the 2nd pic


Active Member
I will try using half nute tab. And see what that does I put my ph to 5 ish and within a hour or 2 it goes up to 6 or7 ish Then I do it again but still carnet get it to stay at a low ph thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
I will try using half nute tab. And see what that does I put my ph to 5 ish and within a hour or 2 it goes up to 6 or7 ish Then I do it again but still carnet get it to stay at a low ph thanks for your help
Happens to me too i just change my water more frequently rather than mess with the ph. Just start with a lower nute dose and see what happens