Need Help With My Skwalker OG!Not Doing To Good


Need some help with my plant .The stain is a Skwalker og its about 3 weeks into vegs. Am using Foxfarm Soil OF,Cfl lighting I've use with my other plants which I never had any problems with,temp at 76-77 F , Ph level was at 5.2 but I added some Dolomite lime which rised to 6.0 now.
Here some pics. Any info will help out.



i just started a skywalkerOG , she's super picky. have you been feeding it ?and if so how much, i know its a hybrid which usually call for low amounts of nutes. i went half strength of what i normally use for others and also separated the feedings apart a little more and its starting to look much healthier. I'm pretty novice but i hope i helped a little bit. even though this thread is pretty old :lol:. id love to see pics if she's still around


Well-Known Member
Dang those hybrid strains.......They definitely are need for extra attention and the fact your not growing outdoors definitely isn't helping the cause, looks like it needs a little perking up so i would say give her almost none neuts and maybe you should move the light closer.