need help with nutes..


rite this is my problem,
im doing a outdoor grow this year my holes are dug filled with 100% bought compost from b&q,
ive got plenty of perlite and vermiculite to mix in..
right so i was gona order advance nutrients heavy harvest i live in the uk so it was hard to find, i found a hydro store that had it on they site so i orderd it and then they foned me to say thay dnt sell it no more and advance nutients dont make it no more, is this true?
any way i was planing to plant in a week or to depenting on wether, (its been snowing the last 2 days):evil:...but i need to sort out my nutes..

can any 1 recomend a dry slow release nutrient simlar to a,n h,h ,that i can get in the uk, r do i just go the organic route...
please help im confused...

if i mixed fish blood and bone meal in with the soil would that be good for the veg period..?
and for flowering do i just mix something like bat guano up in the botom of the hole or do i just mix it all up before i plant...

with the advance nutrientsonly the spring needs to be mixed in and the sumer and fall, you apply it to the soil after the plants are planted thats y im panicing cause ill need to get every thing in the hole before i thanx any help appriciated.....

bottom line is whot whould u expirienced outdoor and guerillia growers do in my position


rite let me make it a bit simpler to answer lol..

ive been shoping today managed to get few things not much tho cant seem to find everything i wanted..
so far this is whot i was thinking to put in each of my holes i just need some input if u think this will work or i need more things...

65 litres, peat based potting soil,
5 litres, perlite,
5 litres, vermiculite,
1/2cup, chicken manure,
1/3cup, blood n bone meal,
1/4cup, garden lime,

the chiken manure n,p,k is
4 - 2.5 - 2.5 , and the blood n bone meal is 6 - 6 - 6..

iwas gona add vintage bat guano first week of flowering and work into the soil..
i expect ill need some liquid ferts weekly also, whot do u lot think,,,
am i on the right path?..

the soil is already in the holes and i hope to add all these first thing 2morow morning so please any quick tips or advice would be much appreciated...i need to plant on april 10 if weathers up to it...


Earthworm castings wuld be good to add as well, you can top feed with all those as well
yeh i was thinking bout worm castings but werent sure if i could get it in time to plant.. but if i can add to the top thats great,,

thanx for that +1

i been stressed out the last to days worrying if they will b ok and like they new home lol..
but im chilled out a bit now ill start worrying if they start showing they not happy lol..
any more advice will be great...:joint: