need help with powdery mildew

kona gold

Well-Known Member
I have, stupidly, broke my own golden rule, and took a clone from a friend!
The clone, started showing powdery mildew when flowering was induced.
Now it has spread to all my plants.
These plants are in mid bud, and have many what i need is help on what kind of organic treatment for the powdery mildew that wont affect bud developement.
Most products i have used in past have been harsh and temporarily destroyed the hair at this stage....stunting and lessining overall yield.

Any help and ideas will be greatly appreciated.
look into mixtures of milk or preparations of lactobacillus to fight powdery mildew organically!! good luck with this one, I know some people use neem as a preventative but it sounds like you are well past the preventative stage ; ;
a good organic solution: try serenade worked great for me. The best way to look at powdery mildew is a triangle you need 3 things for it to survive humidity, moisture, and the disease. You need to assault on all fronts. Get a dehumidifier, water in the morning (when ur light turns on) to reduce moisture. Third hit them with serenade dont get it on the buds. Use milk (1 tbs/cup) in between serenade sprayings (1 to 2x a week) if the mold pops back up. When done ur grow tear your room down and bleach it. The biggest thing is breaking that triangle. good luck
9 parts milk to 1 part water. This can be used all the way
up to harvest with no ill effects. Works great for me!
Milk is used in big agricultural grows.
milk just tries to stop it growing on the plant by fucking with the ph on the leaves... serenade actually attacks the disease in the need to use both for best results..milk will not stop it from growing in your buds
milk just tries to stop it growing on the plant by fucking with the ph on the leaves... serenade actually attacks the disease in the need to use both for best results..milk will not stop it from growing in your buds
actually beej there are a couple of reasons so far why milk has been found to be effective at treating powdery mildew... first off, there are free radicals in milk that are photo-induced, and the other is the lactoferrins that are known to attack fungal and biological structures

Scientists don't know why it is so effective, but it is used to control powdery mildew in a variety of crops world wide.

I live in the desert and have only had a scare one time because someone I got some genetics from had some appear... but it was enough to get me to read a ton about it. I am all about organic practices... never heard too much about serenade, I will look into it.
Seems like Serenade will be a safe option that should work if applied correctly. Would be worth a try if you can get your hands on it.
Seems like Serenade will be a safe option that should work if applied correctly. Would be worth a try if you can get your hands on it.

its available at most hydro shops. I wouldn't use it more than once or twice a week it can bring on some stress depending on how bad your infestation is...use milk in between then. Serenade is just a bacteria that attacks the mildew and its all organic (i believe it's even listed). But it cuts off mildew at the source.
Mahalo for all your suggestions.
Just to clarify...this is an outdoor Hawai'i you can flower plants all year round, by vegging them for 24 hours then inducing them to flower by putting them outside.
Sorry for the confusion.
I like the milk theroy.....but wonder if thar will cause rot on the buds due to wetness?
Serenade....not sure about....big in cali, but see so much powdery mildew there, cant imagine its that effective, but will look into it. Also will it cause any problems with the will it stress them?
Has anyone tried organicide or bt for this condition?

Thanks again all.
The only thing that really truely works for PM, and isn't just a band-aid, is toxic stuff. Better to go natural.
I also saw a video on utube where it showed cervantes taking some of his freshly cut plants and washing the PM off in a tub with a mixture of peroxide and water.
Mahalo for all your suggestions.
Just to clarify...this is an outdoor Hawai'i you can flower plants all year round, by vegging them for 24 hours then inducing them to flower by putting them outside.
Sorry for the confusion.
I like the milk theroy.....but wonder if thar will cause rot on the buds due to wetness?
Serenade....not sure about....big in cali, but see so much powdery mildew there, cant imagine its that effective, but will look into it. Also will it cause any problems with the will it stress them?
Has anyone tried organicide or bt for this condition?

Thanks again all.

you should be careful about getting milk or serenade on your buds. No method will be that effective unless you are able to break the moisture/humidity problem that is allowing the mold to reproduce. You will never fully get rid of the mildew. It's inside the plant tissue. If you can see it, your plants have been infected for at least 2 weeks. Best course of action is to control it and hope you can get through to harvest. I live in ca so I have dealt with this a lot. I just use serenade the week before flower on my plants and haven't had an issue since. When I have been affected I run my dehumidifier 24/hrs, only water in the morning to allow my room to dry out all day under the light, I also add more fans to my grow room. I will use serenade to really beat back the mildew. For the next 5 days I watch the plants closely and at any sign of mildew I use milk to combat any outbreaks. Next week I will serenade again until im not seeing anymore outbreaks. Once you reach this point all is not clear. high humidity, lots of moisture can cause the mildew to come back (its still in your plant remember). You have to be on top of shit now to not let it fuck ya all up- sincerely a guy who has been there

serenade is safe to use up until the day of stinks to high hell but you are outside...good luck pm is a persistent little bitch
Do not use serenade or green cure. It smells like rotten ass. It burns the shit out of your plants. If used during flower it burns away trichomes.

Just use neem oil. It gets rid of pm almost instantly and it does not harm the plant at all. If used during flower. Remember to shake plant afterwards. Just like when outdoor plants get rained on. Neem is also inhibitor for pests. Neem oil does not do anything to trichomes.
neem oil does not cure the problem only prevents. Neem oil is most effective as a prevention device....i dont know where you are getting that serenade burns trichomes. It will kinda stress your plant because the mildew is in the plant tissue when the mildew dies it leaves your leaves a little yellow because there is a void in the cell structure
I get that serenade burns from using it myself and all my friends and fam that used it. Those little circles are mild burns genius.... that destroys chlorophyll. Neem oil does get rid of it. You obviously never tried it or you would not make that statement. Neem breaks up the molecules in pm. There are 2 reasons for having pm. One is environment. Then pm starts in the middle of the leaf. The other is that the pm is in the plant like an std. That usually starts showing at the base of the leaf. In that case you can get rid of pm or treat it but it comes back like herpies
ehh all I know is that once you see it on your plants you are fucked you better just hope to control it...I have had it happen a few times on me and I've gotten through alright every time...but seriously prevention is key I spray them down now the week before flower (no burn because there is no pm to kill) and I have not had a instance of mold in a year. Plus take your shoes off and change your clothes before working in the garden

hyroot i have used neem before and it did no better than milk. granted i was already infected with the "herpes" kind. I have heard great things about neem for prevention and maybe when I'm out of this serenade Ill will make the switch cuz it does stink to high hell.
Also I make my neem solution a little stronger. I use 2 tsp per quart. If using it for bugs, I use 3 tsp per quart.

Instructions say to use 1 - 1 1/2 tsp per quart of water.

I spray every other day as a preventative too.

Spraying with compost tea works as a preventative too.
Yah if you haven't learned and your new to organics still... neem to your plants every other week from seedling until a couple weeks out of harvest and you will not experience a lot of issues associated with mildew and pests that others do. Its systematic so a drench to the roots does just as well as spraying the leaves (if not better)

neem actually works in a ton of ways to prevent the mildew from developing, it's worth reading into
i've used them all. PM Wash, Serenade, a few others. Nothing works as well as Neem Oil. It will not cure your plant, but it will definitely make the leaf surface unlivable for any PM. Depending on how far you are from harvest that is. I've used up to 3 weeks prior without any ill effects or poor taste. I'd try a few of them. Personally I used Neem Oil every 3 days for a week and never saw the mildew again period. I havent seen it on any cuts which I still run from the affected mother. I'm not saying it isn't in the plant still, but as long as it doesnt ever manifest, no biggie.

I had a huge room get completely affected from someone elses clone like the OP, and it went batshit crazy in my room when fall hit. Neem Oil fixed it in a matter of a couple of days. Seriously, do it and thank me later. I would definitely recommend a H2O2 spray also in the last week to make sure you've washed away all the mildew, and kill anything before you chop and smoke it. But I smoked my harvest and I'm okay... cough... cough... :)
And yes, Serenade smells like beach lotion, B.O., and fat people. It's disgusting and really didn't work well, and not nearly as well as the Neem. The stuff makes me gag, lol.